Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Yes, ORAC is practical!

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?


Dear Friends

In today’s email we’ll see, through peer-reviewed research, how ORAC can indeed offer a possible therapeutic window into the treatment and prevention of the diseases of aging.  The current citations over the past couple of years relate to dietary antioxidants (polyphenolics) and in vivo antioxidant status and disease. Make sure you scroll down to the clinical notes for a practical application of the following research.

  • Del Rio, D.; Agnoli, C., et al.  Total antioxidant capacity of the diet is associated with lower risk of Ischemic stroke in a large Italian cohort.  J Nutr 2011,141(1): 118-123.

          In a cross-sectional randomized intervention study of 41,620 men and women, a
diet rich in total antioxidant capacity was associated with a reduction in the
incidence of ischemic stroke and to a lesser extent in all types of stroke.

  • Detopoulou, P., et al.  Dietary antioxidant capacity and concentration of adiponectin in apparently healthy adults: the ATTICA study.  Eur J Clin Nutr 2009,64,161-8.

          In this study, positive associations were observed between dietary antioxidant
capacity and adiponectin concentration and a negative relationship with
inflammatory markers.  An adiponectin-mediated route through which antioxidant
rich foods exert beneficial effects against inflammation and cardiovascular
diseases can be hypothesized.

  • Noguer, M. A.; Cerezo, A. G., et al.  Intake of alcohol-free red wine modulates antioxidant enzyme activities in a human intervention study.  Pharmacol Res 2012,65(6): 609-614.

          Our results show for the first time that the increase in the activity of the
enzymes is not due to the alcohol content in wine but to the
polyphenolic composition.  Therefore, alcohol-free wine could be an excellent
source of antioxidants to protect people suffering from oxidative stress (cancer,
diabetes, alzheimer, etc) who should not consume alcohol.

  • McAnuitiy, S. R.; Nieman D.C., et al.  Effect of mixed flavonoids, n-3 fatty acids, and vitamin C on oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity before and after intense cycling. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2011,21(4): 328-337.

          This study indicates that combining flavonoids [1000mg quercetin, 400mg
isoqueretin, 30mg epigallocatechin gallate] and antioxidants [1000mg Vit. C] with
n-3 fatty acids [400mg] is effective in reducing the immediate postexercise
increase in F(2)-isoprostanes [lipid oxidation].

  • Gifkins, D.; Olson, S. H.; Demissie, K., et al.  Total and individual antioxidant intake and endometrial cancer risk:  results from a population-based case-control study in New Jersey. Cancer Causes Control 2012,23,887-95.
  • Kolomvotsou, A. I.; Rollidis, L.S.; Mountzouris, K.C., et al.  Adherence to Mediterranean diet and close dietetic supervision increase total dietary antioxidant intake and plasma antioxidant capacity in subjects with abdominal obesity.  Eur J Nutr 2012, Epub date: 2012/01/13.    

We could site many more current scientific studies equating the power of polyphenolic compounds in food with the reduction of risk to the diseases of aging; and, the ORAC test is just one of many measures that must be used in tandum to determine the possible effectiveness of a particular fruit or vegetable.

Excellent research on flavonoids is at the leading edge of food science.  The largest subgroup of healthful foods phenols are the flavonoids, which are then divided into six categories:  Flavones (e.g., luteolin), Flavonols (e.g., quercetin), Flavonones (e.g., hesperetin), Flavanols (e.g., catechins), Isoflavones (e.g., genistein), and Anthocyanins (e.g., delphinidin).  Using ORAC in conjunction with in vivo tests for oxidative stress, clearly makes the case for a return to a regular daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in conditions that promote plants with high phenolic content. Of course, it is the research that supports and guides the therapeutic foods matrix of our products.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Consider the possible therapeutic benefits for a baby boomer patient from consuming one tsp. of the No. 7 Systemic Booster as their probiotic, along with 2 capsules of Phyto Power and 2 capsules of Cruciferous Sprout Complex.  This enables one to efficiently and effectively bring in these precious phytonutrients into their body on a daily basis, as you help them to change their diet as well.

The Last Quiz Answer:

Polar bears are the lands largest carnivores.  A large male can weight 1500 lbs.  The coat can range from pure white, to creamy yellow to light brown.  And, under the coat their skin is black.  Aren’t those paws amazing? They are a foot in diameter, well padded (with little bumps on each pad, like snow tires), with five toes and very effective long claws to grab onto the ice, to walruses and to itch the body—Mother Nature’s genius.

The National Tour on the man-made causes for the catastrophic climate changes we are experiencing begins this Wednesday night in Seattle.  We’ll be there and give you a report next week.  On Thursday the tour, entitled Do The Math, goes to Portland, on Friday to Berkeley, San Francisco and Palo Alto on Saturnday, LA on Sunday, then on to the East Coast and the rest of the USA.  Check it out amd get involved!
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