Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Whole Food Polyphenols, not Isolated is Key to Support Weight Loss & Diabetes

Sanz-Lamora and his team of research scientists showed in a clinical study that isolating polyphenols may be harmful to our health!

This important 2022 research affirms what Seann and I have been doing for many years: Creating supplements from whole foods, concentrates and extracts, that retain wholeness and goodness. 

This research team's conclusion was that whole foods, not isolated molecules is the answer to rebuilding our health. 

In fact, isolated polyphenols was found to do harm to the kidneys (increased oxidative stress markers), unregulated the expression of fibrosis and kidney damage markers, as well as increased liver lipid content (Sanz-Lamora et al., 2022). 

In other words, this animal clinic study shows that isolated polyphenols did not cause the expected good effects of the whole food polyphenols.  

Isolating means the extraction and purification of different bioactive components from food material (Sridhar et al. 2021) - when one bioactive molecule is isolated it is no longer part of a whole and its action in the body may be very different than its performance as part of a food. 

Obviously we need more human studies to make sense how isolated polyphenols work in the body. Meanwhile, use isolated nutrients judiciously and lean toward whole foods and their broad spectrum extracts.

See Abstract below and Enjoy our No 7 Systemic Booster with polyphenols from whole foods.

No 7 Systemic Booster: The New Longevity: 1 heaping tsp daily. To activate the Polyphenols, Supernatant and ORNs (for immune boosting), put a teaspoonful in your mouth and let it dissolve.  Or mix it with water and slowly drink. It is so tasty! 


Obesity is a worldwide epidemic with severe metabolic consequences. Polyphenols are secondary metabolites in plants and the most abundant dietary antioxidants, which possess a wide range of health effects. The most relevant food sources are fruit and vegetables, red wine, black and green tea, coffee, virgin olive oil, and chocolate, as well as nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. The aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of a pure, isolated polyphenol supplementation to counteract the pernicious metabolic effects of a high-fat diet (HFD). Our results indicated that the administration of pure, isolated polyphenols under HFD conditions for 26 weeks worsened the glucose metabolism in diet-induced obese mice. The data showed that the main target organ for these undesirable effects were the kidneys, where we observed fibrotic, oxidative, and kidney-disease markers. This work led us to conclude that the administration of pure polyphenols as a food supplement would not be advisable. Instead, the ingestion of complete “whole” foods would be the best way to get the health effects of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. View Full-Text



  • Sanz-Lamora, H., Marrero, P. F., Haro, D., & Relat, J. (2022). A Mixture of Pure, Isolated Polyphenols Worsens the Insulin Resistance and Induces Kidney and Liver Fibrosis Markers in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. Antioxidants11(1), 120. Article
  • Sridhar, A., Ponnuchamy, M., Kumar, P. S., Kapoor, A., Vo, D. V. N., & Prabhakar, S. (2021). Techniques and modeling of polyphenol extraction from food: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters19(4), 3409-3443. Article 

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.


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Learn about carbohydrates and what is considered Healthy and what is not healthy at all: Article


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