Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Take ownership of your microbiome.

Dear Friends,

The microbiome is comprised of approximately 100 trillion mostly bacterial cells. It has been characterized as an extra organ, bestowing us with 100 times more gene power, than our own human cells can give.  In fact, Homo sapiens are being thought of, by some, as super organisms, made up of human cells and microbial populations that have co-evolved with us.

This essential organ, the microbiome, provides the host with enhanced metabolic capabilities, protection against pathogens, education of the immune system and modulation of gastrointestinal development (De Filippos 2010).

Together, the host and microbiome have been termed a ‘supra-organism’ whose combined activities represent both a shared target for natural selection and a driver of adaptive responses (Schnorr 2014).

Although we are excited about our increased understanding of the GI tract microbiome, most of our knowledge emanates from research conducted on populations within the industrialized world.  What about traditional rural horticultural populations, living off the land with only some dietary influences from highly processed foods?  And how about the “hunter-gatherer” populations, the few that are left in the world: what constitutes their microbiome makeup and how does that reflect on their health?

I have chosen three very interesting research papers that shed important life on the question of what makes up a healthy microbiome. The key words for healthy bodies are diversity in the diet, which is made up of mostly seasonal vegetables, fruits, legume, roots, but very little animal protein. See my article on food diversity.

Obregon-Tito et al. (2015). Subsistence strategies in traditional societies distinguish gut microbiomes. Nat Commun 6, 6505. Doi: 10. 1038/ncomms7505.

Schnorr et al. (2014). Gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers. Nat Commun, 5, 3654. doi: 10. 1038/ncomms4654.

De Fillippo et al. (2010). Impact of diets in shaping gut microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and rural Africa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107(33), 14691-14696.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

BioImmersion’s Original Synbiotic Formula and the Supernatant Synbiotic Formula  provide good choices for supporting diversity in the microbiome.  Both formulas supply human derived symbiotic bacteria that have co-evolved with us and provide strong support for our healthy gastrointestinal functioning.

I am amazed by the things I find out from your work with these formulas.  Just yesterday a doctor told me that the Supernatant Synbiotic Formula works to kill L-form bacteria.  She was very excited about this.  I am going to call her back and ask her for more of the details, which I will share with you.

This amazing little creature is a Fennec Fox who lives, as a nocturnal animal, in “of all places” the Sahara Desert.

The Last Quiz Answer:

Meet Ray’s Storm, a much beloved retired race horse who now lives as a family member with our dear friends in Alaska.  As Maureen say, “He’s a hoot!”  He even has his own Facebook page.

Did you know that many racehorses end up at slaughter auctions within a week of their last race, despite the fact that many tracks across the country have policies opposing this practice. (From Stud to Slaughter, 2013)


Green Facts

Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs of Food on just 1/10th Acre.

Their website now get 6,000,000 hits a month from people all over the world interested in their amazing urban farm.  Heaven on earth we can create!

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