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Supernatant and MicroRNA Immune-Modulating

What is so important about MicroRNA Immune-Modulating agents in the Supernatant?

Primarily - because they control the expression of growth genes in the pathogenic genomes. 

In other words - they know how to fight bad bacterial and viral infections. 

Bacteria release immune-modulating molecules when entering the mouth, such as ribonucleic acid or RNA, as though they are ready to defend themselves. Small pieces of RNA, called MicroRNA (miRNA) or oligoribonucleotides (ORNs), are released by pathogenic bacteria as well as a beneficial bacterium such as Lactobacillus casei, which we find in fermented foods like yogurts.

Other lactobacillus organisms occur naturally in fruits and vegetables. Marshall (2010) tested L. Casei among other beneficial probiotics to assess their readiness to fight pathogenic organisms in case of invasion and found that these small pieces of RNA or ORNs control the expression of growth genes in the pathogen’s genomes. The bacteria grow faster after releasing the ORNs, mounting a better defense system to invading bacterial infections (Marshall, 2014).

MicroRNA (or ORNs) play important regulatory role in physiological processes in animals (and plants), and is studied for miRNA-based therapeutics (Wahid et al., 2010). miRNA regulate gene expression in all aspects of biology, with certain endogenous miRNAs participating in antiviral defense mechanisms, such as miR-32 with inhibitory effects against the retrovirus type 1 (PFV-1; similar to human immunodeficiency virus such as Epstein-Barr and others) and protects human cells from PFV-1 (Lecellier et al., 2005). Other studies, such as Ma et al. (2011) found another miRNA (miR-29) controlling innate and adaptive immune response to intracellular bacterial infection. With dysbiosis of the gut, inflammation hasten immunological imbalances, influencing the onset of many chronic illnesses, including cancer. The opposite is also a viable solution – maintaining the health of the microbiome (Cianci et al., 2019).

Lactobacillus acidophillus and Bifidobacterium bifidum regulate and modulate the GI-tract, increasing production of certain microRNA that improve colon cancer treatment (Heydari et al., 2018). From the GI-tract to the brain, Zhao et al. (2019) have shown that probiotics protect against inflammatory neurodegeneration caused by neurotoxins in the gut, contributing to a healthier brain function. Probiotics with their supernatant and microRNA or ORNs regulate and support a balanced function of the GI-tract. MicroRNA have emerged as major players in the interaction between host (human body) and bacterial pathogens, with an integral part in the host immune response to bacterial infection (Aguilar et al., 2019; Sunkavali et al., 2017).

Read more on supernatant, chronic illnesses and the science of healthy longevity in our No 7 Systemic Booster: The New Longevity, Here.

Use: 1-2 Capsules for daily use. Check out the protocols or email us at



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  • Aguilar, C., Mano, M., & Eulalio, A. (2018). MicroRNAs at the Host–Bacteria Interface: Host Defense or Bacterial Offense. Trends in microbiology
  • Cianci, R., Franza, L., Schinzari, G., Rossi, E., Ianiro, G., Tortora, G., ... & Cammarota, G. (2019). The Interplay between Immunity and Microbiota at Intestinal Immunological Niche: The Case of Cancer. International journal of molecular sciences20(3), 501.
  • Heydari, Z., Rahaie, M., Alizadeh, A. M., Agah, S., Khalighfard, S., & Bahmani, S. (2018). Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum Probiotics on the Expression of MicroRNAs 135b, 26b, 18a and 155, and Their Involving Genes in Mice Colon Cancer. Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins, 1-8.
  • Lecellier, C. H., Dunoyer, P., Arar, K., Lehmann-Che, J., Eyquem, S., Himber, C., ... & Voinnet, O. (2005). A cellular microRNA mediates antiviral defense in human cells. Science308(5721), 557-560.
  • Ma, F., Xu, S., Liu, X., Zhang, Q., Xu, X., Liu, M., ... & Cao, X. (2011). The microRNA miR-29 controls innate and adaptive immune responses to intracellular bacterial infection by targeting interferon-γ. Nature immunology12(9), 861. 
  • Marshall, W. E. (2010). Oligoribonucleotides alert the immune system of animals to the imminence of microbial infection. U.S. Patent No. 7,678,557. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  • Marshall, W.E. (2014). Bacterial ORNs, a new paradigm to prevent infection. In Weston A. Price Foundation, online.
  • Sunkavalli, U., Aguilar, C., Silva, R. J., Sharan, M., Cruz, A. R., Tawk, C., ... & Eulalio, A. (2017). Analysis of host microRNA function uncovers a role for miR-29b-2-5p in Shigella capture by filopodia. PLoS pathogens13(4), e1006327.
  • Wahid, F., Shehzad, A., Khan, T., & Kim, Y. Y. (2010). MicroRNAs: synthesis, mechanism, function, and recent clinical trials. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research1803(11), 1231-1243.
  • Zhao, Y., & Lukiw, W. J. (2018). Microbiome-mediated upregulation of microRNA-146a in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in neurology9, 145.


    We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

    My Research: Peace

    Globe_Home 3On women in leadership positions: Do improved women’s descriptive representation in legislative branches and women’s participation in civil society decrease the intensity of civil conflicts? Is the impact of women’s presence in legislative branches on the conflict intensity magnified by women’s participation in civil society, and vice versa? In this study, we aim to expand the constructivist argument that equal gender roles in politics and civil society can bring about less intensive internal armed conflicts. Relying on time-series cross-national data on 151 countries from 1960 to 2016, we demonstrate that the increases in women’s descriptive representation in parliaments and women’s participation in civil society tend to decrease the predicted civil conflict intensity. In addition, we demonstrate that the deterrent effect of women’s descriptive representation is magnified by women’s participation in civil society and vice versa. These findings remain consistent in alternative model specifications with additional women-related control variables. 

    Woo, B. D., & Nam, H. (2024). Women and Peace Theory and Civil Conflict Intensity. SAGE Open, 14(2), 21582440241245315.

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