Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Richest Source of Chlorophyll

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

I am very excited in this week’s Forward Thinking to unwrap our newest Therapeutic Foods offering—Organic Chlorella. I know you will learn something new in this special edition. Do read the Clinical Notes below to discover the primal power of Chlorella as a food. It is truly the essense of life in our universe—an encapsulation of the energy and substance that sustains life.

Chlorella is one of the oldest forms of plant life—a one-celled algae that emerged from the earth’s biosphere some 2000 million years ago. It is the world’s richest source of chlorophyll, making it one of the most efficient organisms on earth in terms of using and concentrating sunlight for photosynthesis.Through its rapid reproduction, Chlorella generates massive amounts of oxygen for the atmosphere and biomass (the food we can eat). It is the reason Japan grew Chlorella after WWII—to feed the population! And, what a powerful food it is—but more about Chlorella’s wonderful attributes later.

To ease into our discussion of the benefits and power of chlorella as a therapeutic food, I would like to reflect with you on the following questions:

What is life comprised of? And how does Chlorella, one of the oldest of life’s eukaryotic creatures, embrace the universe in its one cell existence?

Focusing on bacteria as the simplest living systems, we characterize a living cell as a membrane–bounded, self-generating, organizationally closed metabolic network. This network involves several types of highly complex macromolecues: structural proteins; enzymes, which act as catalysts of metabolic processes; RNA, the messengers carrying genetic information; and DNA, which stores the genetic information and is responsible for the cell’s self-replication.

The cellular network is materially and energetically open, using a constant flow of matter and energy to produce, repair and perpetuate itself; and that it operates far from equilibrium [which means it is not dead—a system theory concept], where new structures and new forms of order may spontaneously emerge, thus leading to development and evolution. (Capra, The Hidden Connections 2002, p.31)

Capra beautifully crafted a concise summary defining life. Approximately 3500 million years ago the universal ancestor, a primordial bacteria, emerged—coupling with the environment, multiplying and evolving over time into millions of new species. Evolution is cycles of life processing matter, creating new, and increasingly complex forms of life.

The prokaryotic world (bacterial world) was the only world for the first 2000 million years of life on mother earth, then we see the emergence of the eukaryotics—the microscopic world of plants and animals; and, the for-runners to the multi-cellular biosphere we see in the world today.

A little aside: Prokaryotes are the most successful and abundant organisms on Earth. As a group, they have the largest biomass on earth. For example, in the oceans prokaryotes make up 90% of the total weight of all living things! Isn’t that amazing? It is kind of like the realization that on and in our body resides 100 trillion bacteria (the microbiome), while our total human body cell mass is 10 trillion.

The earliest photosynthetic organisms on land would have resembled modern algae, cyanobacteria and lichens. Chlorella is a fresh-water, one-celled, green algae that emerged around 2,000 million years ago—surviving in part because of its tough outer shell that protects its genetic integrity.

One Animals Waste is Another Animals Food.

As life expanded around the globe, ecosystems developed—ecosystems being defined as networks of organisms working, growing, and evolving together. One way to understand ecosystems is to think of them in terms of food webs or food chains. Remember, from above, a constant flow of matter and energy in needed by every living cell—by every life form.

The Food Chain

  • The Sun is the original source of energy, in the form of solar radiation, for the food chain (100,000 Units of Energy).
  • Plants capture approximately 1% of the available light energy from the Sun for biomass production by way of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis can be described chemically as: Light Energy + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O = C6H12O6 + 6 O2 (1,000 Units of Energy).
  • Herbivores consume approximately 10% of the plant biomass produced in a typical food chain (100 Unit of Energy).
  • Carnivores capture and consume about 10% of the energy stored by the herbivores (10 Units of Energy). We definitely have been looking at carnivores in our “amazing creatures” photos of late.
  • Finally, when organisms shed their tissues or die they provide food for, and are decomposed by the microbial world—converting organic matter back into inorganic nutrients that can be taken up by plants in the food chain to produce new organic matter.

Chlorella: embracing the universe in its one cell network

Chlorella is a most powerful natural food at the top of the food chain. Not only is it the highest-known source of chlorophyll, with nearly 10 times the amount of chlorophyll found in alfalfa, from which most commercial chlorophyll is extracted, but as a protein source, it has the highest percent of protein— Protein in 100 grams: Chlorella- 58 grams, Beef- 24 grams, Chicken- 24 grams, Fish- 18.29 grams, Wheat- 13 grams, Eggs- 13 grams, Rice- 3 grams and Potatoes- 3 grams.

Chlorella contains in macronutrients over 50% protein and 12% lipids in the form of ALA and GLA, 23% Carbohydrate, 0.3% Fiber and 411 calories per 100grams. It is packed with minerals and vitamins (beta carotene and other antioxidants and vitamins that include B6 and methyl-cobalamin—the most absorbable form of B12). Chlorella is truly an amazing Therapeutic Food.

We’ve looked at its features, now in the clinical notes we will enumerate some of its benefits for human consumption.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

The list is long when it comes to looking at the benefits to human health in consuming chlorella. No wonder it is the largest selling supplement in Japan. Here they are in a condensed form.

Chlorella aids in detoxification—helps remove dioxin, mercury, lead and other toxins from the body, helps purify the blood and clean away toxins, aids in processing more oxygen, cleanses key elimination systems like the bowel, liver and blood, supports the elimination of molds from the body;strengthens the immune system with its antioxidant content; strengthens the nervous system; delivers enzymes such as pepsin and chlorophyllase, which promote healthy digestion; regulates the intestines by boosting growth of beneficial flora; alkalizes the body; improve metabolism; improves liver function ; lowers blood pressure; lowers bolood sugar and freshens your breath with chlorophyll. Phew!

Our broken cell wall organic chlorella contains Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella regularis. The whole plant is in the form of a pressed 500 mg tablet with no excipients of any kind—just pure chlorella. Our product is covered under the CERES Certification of Environmental Standards, the NOP Certificate of Organic Operation under the US National Organic Standard and the Fair For Life Certification by IMO. Our methods of milling employ low heat and because the cell walls are broken the nutrients are readily absorbed. There are 120 tablets per bottle. We recommend 4 tablets daily.

The Last Quiz Answer: Another amazing photo from the National Geographic 2009 Best Photo Collection.

Certification of quality, purity and excellence in manufacturing is critical in the world market place today. In case you missed last weeks Forward Thinking I am linking it here for you. It details the agencies we use to validate our product for you. Click on this link—July 1st, 2010 Forward Thinking

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