Reduce Metabolic Syndrome with Berries
Dear Friends
Emerging science supports therapeutic roles for berries to prevent and reduce metabolic syndrome. (See Protocols for Health in our new website)
Add any of our berry collection of supplements to decrease risk markers – to every meal that contains sugars of any kind, fat (from dairy, meat, or eggs; and even plant oils), and grains.
Metabolic syndrome is a pre-diabetic state characterized by several cardiovascular risk factors: abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, raised blood pressure, insulin resistance, pro-inflammatory state and prothrombotic state.
Basu and Lyons in their 2012 research (Strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries in metabolic syndrome: clinical perspectives) stated that,
Interventional studies reported by our group and others have demonstrated the following effects: strawberries lowering total and LDL-cholesterol, but not triglycerides, and decreasing surrogate biomarkers of atherosclerosis (malondialdehyde and adhesion molecules); blueberries lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure and lipid oxidation and improving insulin resistance; and low-calorie cranberry juice selectively decreasing biomarkers of lipid oxidation (oxidized LDL) and inflammation (adhesion molecules) in metabolic syndrome.
Mechanistic studies further explain these observations as up-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity, reduction in renal oxidative damage, and inhibition of the activity of carbohydrate digestive enzymes or angiotensin-converting enzyme by these berries.
(See Food Science and Green Facts below for more on this important discussion).
Therapeutic Food protocol for support in reducing risk of Metabolic Syndrome
- Phyto Power– 2 capsules before meals
- No. 7 Systemic Booster– 1 teaspoon before meals
Food Science
Phyto Power supplies the phytonutrient power of multi-species of wild-crafted Alaskan blue berries and rosehips, and four species of dandelions picked in the wild. This product is loaded with bioflavonoids (Dinstel, 2013). Consuming 2 capsules of the Phyto Power is equivalent to eating 6 wild-crafted Alaskan rosehips (seeds and all), a small hand full (covering the palm of your hand) of wild-crafted blueberries, and one small cup of dandelion salad (from the wild meadows of Alaska) complete with flowers and roots.
No. 7 Systemic Booster not only supports you with powerful Bulgarian strains of probiotic bacteria, supernatant, and strategically selected nutriceuticals, but also provide the glycemic lowering power of whole organic cranberry, pomegranate, tart cherry and pineapple, all with high actives.
Food Science:
Throne et al. (2012) demonstrated the blunting effect on the insulin spike with high glycemic foods when you add whole berries. They showed graphically what white bread does to our insulin levels within 2 hours after eating it. Adding black currents and lingenberries when eating the same amount of white bread and there’s less of an insulin spike, even though by eating the berries you’ve added additional sugar (fructose) to the meal. How do we account for this?
The soluble fibers in the berries has a gelling effect in our intestines that slows the release of sugars. As viscosity increases, the glycemic load goes down. Additionally, fruit phytonutrients inhibit the transportation of sugars through the intestinal wall into our blood stream (Madero, 2011).
- Basu A. Lyons TJ. (2012). Strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries in the metabolic syndrome: clinical perspectives. J Agric Food Chem; 60: 5687-92.
- Dinstel R.R., Cascio J., & Koukel S. (2013). The antioxidant level of Alaska’s wild berries: high, higher and highest. Int J Circumpolar Health;72 doi:10.3402/ijch.v7210.21188.
- Lustig, RH. (2013). Fructose: It’s “Alcohol Without the Buzz”. Adv Nutr; 4: 226-235.
- Madero et al. (2011). The effect of two energy-restricted diets, a low-fructose diet versus a moderate natural fructose diet, on weight loss and metabolic syndrome parameters: a randomized controlled trial. Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental; 60: 1551-1559.
- Petta et al. (2013). Industrial, not fruit fructose intake is associated with the severity of liver fibrosis in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients. Journal of Hepatology; 59: 1169-1176.
- Throne et al. (2012). Postprandial glucose, insulin, and free fatty acid responses to sucrose consumed with blackcurrants and lingonberries in healthy women. Am J Clin Nutr; 96: 527-33.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
Green Facts: