Positive Change is Mounting!
Dear Friends, When we watch the news, the mainstream news, including PBS and BBC, it seems that our ecological crisis is mounting worldwide—and it is! But, as pollution and weather problems, starvation, and social unrest increase, so does the force for real change, all over the world. One just needs to know where to look, how to tune into a movement for good that is equally sweeping through humankind. There is hope! David Suzuki is one of the clear voices shining light on the emerging path of hope that is happening all around us, though unseen by most because of the lack of focus by the mainstream media. In his new book, just released, called More Good News (2010), and co-authored with Holly Dressel, he gives us real solutions to the global eco-crisis. As Suzuki and Dressel say, “We hope reading More Good News will provide readers with inspiration and energy for this hard, exciting and supremely fulfilling work.” In this Forward Thinking we honor Suzuki and Dressel’s good work, and focus on a few key points from their book. We are in the midst of a second industrial revolution. The first one, centered around and fueled by the use of oil, is dying and almost basically over, although the damage is still being done.
These NGOs keep in touch especially on the Internet, by the social media (like face book), by phone, and meetings all around the world.
What are some of these key points to which all agree?
Suzuki in a recent interview on Canadian TV asks the audience if they’ve seen the movie Avatar, and then shares that the Avatar phenomenon is happening in South America. For the first time in modern history, an indigenous person has been elected president of a country-it’s happened in Bolivia with the election of Evo Morales. And, because of his influence they incorporated Mother Nature into their constitution so that trees, fish, birds, etc. have their own constitutional rights for existence.
Where is this happening? All around us. Hermann Scheer, a proponent of using Second Industrial Revolution Principles, is a German parliamentarian and economist who has been called the most influential renewable energy lawmaker on the planet. He is the author and main mover behind Germany’s simple, one page Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2000, a revolutionary piece of legislation often referred to as Scheer’s law. Germany is leading the world in the use of renewable energy and Denmark is close behind. In More Good News Suzuki and Dressel focus on the fundamental issues that need to be addressed, such as energy and agriculture. The world is getting greener-it has to, for us to survive. We all need to be green activists. Green job pioneers know they can look forward to longer-lasting and more stable careers. Tune into Suzuki and his work—your soul will be uplifted. Here is an interview of Suzuki recently seen on Canadian TV. Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: Kids and animals don’t lie. I talked with a nutritionist this week who has an autistic son. She was amazed at how well our synbiotic formulas are working for her youngster. And, it is very specific how she uses the formulas successfully. When her son has itching in his genital area all she has to do it give him one capsule of our Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula and it a short time the itching stops. At other times, when his behavioral patterns rears up all she has to do now is to give him a capsule of our Supernatant Synbiotic Formula and he feels much better and symptoms subside. Of course, we know now from last weeks Forward Thinking that an overgrowth of Clostridial species are linked to autistic behavior and that reducing their numbers alleviates the problem. Our Supernatant Formula was designed to inhibit Clostridia. Over the years, a number of our doctors have give our Wild Blueberry Daily and Extract to their aging animals with amazing results. I think of a doctor who could reverse his aging dog from Parkinson’ like syndrome by feeding him the Blueberry Extract. And, there are many others I could site. The point is these products are real in that we build them to have enough actives in them per dosage that real physiological results can occur. They are real Therapeutic Foods. The Last Quiz Answer: This marvelous creature is a Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica). It has a broad distribution over North America, extending from the southern Appalachians to the boreal forest. Where’s the boreal forest? That’s way up in Northern Canada—just south of the tundra and north of the deciduous forests. That’s a lot of range. The wood frog can tolerate the freezing of their blood and other tissues. Urea is accumulated in tissues in preparation for overwintering, and liver glycogen is converted in large quantities to glucose in response to internal ice formation. Both urea and glucose act as “cryoprotectants” to limit the amount of ice that forms and to reduce osmotic shrinkage of cells. Frogs can survive many freeze/thaw events during winter if not more than about 65% of the total body water freezes. Isn’t nature absolutely wonderous?