Polyphenols for Reducing Osteoporosis
Dear Friends
Osteoporosis on the Rise: What’s missing?
10 million Americans have osteoporosis; and the numbers are predicted to reach 14 million by 2020 (Burge, 2007).
What is missing in our diets and supplementation to have such an increase in the number of people suffering with osteoporosis?
Many studies show that it is our lack of adequate intake of polyphenols from fruits and vegetables, green teas, and some seeds. Berry polyphenols are found to reduce the risk of age related bone loss.
In fact, Hubert et al. (2014) find a positive association of high berry intake and higher bone mass. The researchers recommend the addition of berries to supplement our daily diet.
Their meta-analysis study, Dietary Polyphenols, Berries, and Age Related Bone Loss: A Review Based on Human, Animal and Cell Studies, evaluated human and animal studies and found strong associations between polyphenol intake, reduced fracture risk, increased bone formation markers, and increased BMD (Hubert et al., 2014). For similar studies, see also Welsh, 2012; Hardcastel, 2011; Hooshmand, 2011; Langsetmo, 2011; Arjmandi, 2010; Burge, 2007; Garrett, 1990.
A protocol for added phenols and boron:
- High ORAC Synbiotic: 1 capsule daily
- Fructo Borate Complex: 1-2 capsules daily
Food Science
Strengthen your phenol dietary intake with our High ORAC Synbiotic Formula. The High ORAC includes a collection of berries and fruits with their extracts. High ORAC contains two strong probiotic organisms which in research are shown to tighten the cell junctions in the gut, reducing gut generated chronic inflammation (Ulluwishewa et al., 2011). Chronic inflammation is shown to cause an increase in osteoclast activity resulting in the de-mineralization of the bone (Weitzmann, 2013; Garrett et al., 1990).
Add Fructo Borate Complex to the phenolic and probiotic rich High ORAC to create a highly effective protocol. The Fructo Borate contains carbohydrate bound boron as found in nature. It is highly absorbable and instrumental in enhanving the re-mineralization of the bone (Miljkovic et al., 2004).
- Arjmandi, B.H.; Johnson, C.D.; Campbell, S.C.; Hooshmand, S.; Chai, S.C.; Akhter, M.P. (2010). Combining fructooligosaccharide and dried plum has the greatest effect on restoring bone mineral density among select functional foods and bioactive compounds. J. Med. Food; 13: 312–319.
- Burge, R.; Dawson-Hughes, B.; Solomon, D.H.; Wong, J.B.; King, A.; Tosteson, A. (2007). Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosis-related fractures in the United States, 2005–2025. J. Bone Miner. Res.; 22: 465–475.
- Garrett, I.R.; Boyce, B.F.; Oreffo, R.O.; Bonewald, L.; Poser, J.; Mundy, G.R. (1990). Oxygen-derived free radicals stimulate osteoclastic bone resorption in rodent bone in vitro and in vivo. J. Clin. Investig; 85: 632–639.
- Hardcastle, A.C.; Aucott, L.; Reid, D.M.; Macdonald, H.M. (2011). Associations between dietary flavonoid intakes and bone health in a Scottish population. J. Bone Miner. Res: 26: 941–947.
- Hooshmand, S.; Chai, S.C.; Saadat, R.L.; Payton, M.E.; Brummel-Smith, K.; Arjmandi, B.H. (2011). Comparative effects of dried plum and dried apple on bone in postmenopausal women. Br. J. Nutr; 106: 923–930
- Hubert, P.A.; Lee, G.L.; Lee, S.K.; Chun, O.K. (2014). Dietary Polyphenols, Berries, and Age-related Bone loss: A review Based on Human, Animal, and Cell Studies. Antioxidants; 3(1): 144-158.
- Langsetmo, L.; Hanley, D.A.; Prior, J.C.; Barr, S.I.; Anastassiades, T.; Towheed, T.; Goltzman, D.; Morin, S.; Poliquin, S.; Kreiger, N. (2011). Dietary patterns and incident low-trauma fractures in postmenopausal women and men aged ≥50 y: A population-based cohort study. Am. J. Clin. Nutr; 93: 192–199.
- Miljkovic D.; Miljkovic N.; McCary M.F. (2004). Up-regulatory impact of boron on Vitamin D function—does it reflect inhibition of 24-hydroxylase?; Medical Hypteses; 63: 1054-1056.
- New, S.A.; Robins, S.P.; Campbell, M.K.; Martin, J.C.; Garton, M.J.; Bolton-Smith, C.; Grubb, D.A.; Lee, S.J.; Reid, D.M. (2000) Dietary influences on bone mass and bone metabolism: Further evidence of a positive link between fruit and vegetable consumption and bone health? Am J Clin Nutr; 71, 142–151.
- Ulluwishewa, D; Anderson, R.C.; McNabb W.C.; Moughan, P.J.; Wells, J.M.; Roy, N.C. (2011). Regulation of Tight Junction Permeability by Intestinal Bacteria and Dietary Components. J Nutr; 141(5): 769-776.
- Weitzmann, M.N. (2013). The Role of Inflammatory Cytokines, the RANKL/OPG Axis, and the Immunoskeletal Interface in Physiological Bone Turnover and Osteoporosis. Scientifica; 2013: 29 pages.
- Welch, A.; MacGregor, A.; Jennings, A.; Fairweather-Tait, S.; Spector, T.; Cassidy, A. (2012). Habitual flavonoid intakes are positively associated with bone mineral density in women. J. Bone Miner. Res; 27: 1872–1878.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
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