Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Phyto Power: "Off the Chart" High Actives



Phyto Power offers up powerful amounts of the flavonoids and phenols and a host of nutrients across the full spectrum of phytochemicals ((Red, Green, and Blue)—hence Phyto Power.

The red in Phyto Power is multiple species of rose hips; the green offers multiple species of dandelions; and the blue embodies multiple species of blueberries.  Let’s take a closer look at why Phyto Power is, well, very powerful.

High-actives are possible when these multiple factors are met:  the environment the plant is grown in has to be specific for the plant, and the variety of the plant itself needs to be a high yield variety, the quality of the soil (fertile), the intensity of the sun, the timing of the harvest, the drying technologies employed, and the means of delivery to us—the manufacturer.  All these factors are taken into account as we select and produce products for our Therapeutic Foods.

Organic, of course, means growing fruits and vegetables without pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers.  Monocultural farming (synonomous with industrial agricultural farming), emblematic of the disastrous Green Revolution, doesn’t work without these toxic adjuvants.  Organic farming, on the other hand, uses more horticultural techniques which encourages a diversity of plants grown together which naturally controls pests without pesticides and herbicides.  Biodynamic farming, the One-Straw Revolution, and Permaculture represent the ultimate in organic farming methods.  They are our salvation.  This brings us to the ingredients we have secured for Phyto Power—the Rosehip, the Dandelion, and the Blueberry.  They are sustainable wildcrafted which means they come straight from Mother Nature—hand-picked in the wilderness.  It takes us back to a time when organic was the way the world was naturally. 

Globally - local may seem like an oxymoron, but it’s not.  It brings us to a very important truth about our world today.  We are all in a global community—Africa’s pathogens are our pathogens, United States and India’s pollution is felt far away, Japan’s radiation is our radiation, and of course, American fast-food franchises are the world’s fast food franchising health problem. We are more globally connected today. Our immune systems are more globally adapted.

While it is critical for people to have abundant access to their own locally produced organic foods, it is also important for us to be able to benefit from organic produce from all over the world.  It can support not only our health, but also supports the livelihood of peoples in far off places. Eating healthy foods from places around the world boost our immune system, allow us to fight the pathogens from global places. In other words, our bodies are not local anymore but are global in nature.

The ingredients for Phyto Power come mostly from Alaska. Thanks to technology, people all over the world can receive the health benefits of this product.  Alaska is a vast land.  It is wilderness.  Its fruits, berries and vegetables, like our rosehip, dandelion and blueberry grow wild all over the State.

The high-actives of this product, because of the environmental conditions it grows under, are literally “off-the-chart” high.

Alaska is a vast area, larger than most people realize.  It is as wide as the lower 48 States (stretching from Jacksonville to San Diego) and larger than Texas, California and Montana combined.  It wasn’t incorporated as a State within the United States until 1959.  Alaska’s growing season is unique, and the plants have adapted to an unusual life cycle.  Summer, the growing season, runs from May through August, when there is almost 24 hours each day of total sunlight.  The local flora are bombarded with this sunlight and in response, they must protect themselves from this ultraviolet light and hence produce prodigious amounts of phytochemicals—polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, OPCs, terpenes, etc.  High bush blueberries are six to eight feet tall and cover much of the State.  There are estimates that there are at least five billion pounds that grow in Alaska every year with no cultivation whatsoever.

The sun is not the only reason for the abundance of phytochemicals.  Another trigger for flavonoid biosynthesis is cold shock.  The plants grow in cold soil.  Even in the hot summer one can’t take off their shoes and walk around because the soil is still that cold.  This temperature gradient makes all plants go wild in putting out the bioflavonoids to protect themselves.  Hence this makes for berries and plants in general that are, as we say, very powerful.

The native peoples of Alaska, the many Indian and Eskimo tribes, lived a paleolithic lifestyle up until the 60s, and epidemiological studies show that there was very little chronic degenerative diseases amongst their populations.  Of course, as we brought in the modern conveniences of sugar, pop, alcohol, etc., more health challenges and diseases were created.  In the old traditions amongst the native Alaskans blueberry, dandelions and rosehips were amongst the most cherished of berries for their medicinal properties.

One of our favorites is the Phyto Power with its potent polyphenols from the wilds of Alaska. 

                                                             Phyto Power

Suggested use: 1-2 capsules a day. 



  • Adams, L.S., Phung, S. Yee, N., Sheeram, N.P., Li, L., & Chen, S. (2010).Blueberry phytochemicals inhibit growth and metastatic potential of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through modulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. Cancer Res, 70(9), 3594-605.
  • Albarracin, S.L., Stab, B., Casas, Z., Sutachan, J.J., Samudio, I., Gonzalez, J….Barreto, G.E. (2012). Effects of natural antioxidants in neurodegenerative disease. Nutr Neurosci, 15, 1-9.
  • Andersson, U., Berger, K., Hogberg, A., Landin-Olsson, M., & Holm, C. (2012). Effects of rose hip intake on risk markers of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: a randomized, double-blind, cross-over investigation in obese persons. Eur J Clin Nutr, 66, 585-590. 
  • Chatterjee, S.J., Ovadje, P. Mousa, M., Hamm, C., & Pandey, S. (2011). The efficacy of dandelion root extract in inducing apoptosis in drug-resistant human melanoma cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 129045.
  • Dinstel R.R., Cascio J., & Koukel S. (2013). The antioxidant level of Alaska’s wild berries: high, higher and highest. Int J Circumpolar Health72
  • García-Lafuente, A., Guillamón, E., Villares, A., Rostagno, M.A., & Martínez, J.A. (2009). Flavonoids as antiinflammatory agents: implications in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Inflamm Res, 58, 537-552. 
  • Hu, C., & Kitts, D.D. (2003). Antioxidant, prooxidant, and cytotoxic activities of solvent-fractionated dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) flower extracts in vitro. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, (1), 301-310.
  • Jeon, H.J., Kang, H. J., JungH.J. Kant, Y.S., Lim, C.J., Kim, Y.M., & Park, E.H. (2008). Anti-inflammatory activity of Taraxacum officinale. Journal of Ethnopharmacology115 (1), 82-88. 
  • Jeyabalan, J., Aqil, F., Munagala, R., Annamalai, L., Vadhanam, M.V., Gupta, R.C. (2014). Chemopreventive and therapeutic activity of dietary blueberry against estrogen-mediated breast cancer.J. Agric. Food Chem, 62, 3963-3971. 
  • Jiménez, S., Gascón, S., Luquin, A., Laguna, M., Ancin-Azpilicueta, C., Rodríguez-Yoldi, M.J. (2016). Rosa canina Extracts Have Antiproliferative and Antioxidant Effects on Caco-2 Human Colon Cancer. PLoS One, 11(7), e0159136. 
  • Joseph, S.V., Edirisinghe, I., & Burton-Freeman, B.M. (2014). Berries: anti-inflammatory effects in humans. J Agric Food Chem, 7; 62(18), 3886-903. 
  • Liu, W., Lu, X., He, G., Gao, X., Xu, M., Zhang, J… Luo, C. (2013). Protective roles of Gadd45 and MDM2 in blueberry anthocyanins mediated DNA repair of fragmented and non-fragmented DNA damage in UV-irradiated HepG2 cells. Int Mol Sci, 14(11), 21447-62. 
  • Nagatomo, A., Nishida, N., Fukuhara, I., Noro, A., Kozai, Y., Sato, H., & Matsuura, Y. (2015). Daily intake of rosehip extract decreases abdominal visceral fat in preobese subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes, 8, 147-156.

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

Green Facts:

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Lai et al. (2015) reported that total fruit intake (g/day) derived from a 217-item Food Frequency Questionnaire was obtained from 30,458 women (aged 35–69 years) at baseline from 1995–1998., the richest sources of phenolic compounds, correlated with improved cardiovascular health with an estimated 6–7% reduction in deaths from CVDs for every 80 g portion. This study concluded that total fruit intake rather than intake of a specific type of fruit is protective against CVD. In terms of specific types of fruits, commonly researched varieties include berries, such as blackberries, raspberries, black raspberries and blueberries, grapes, citrus fruit, pomegranates, strawberries and apples. These fruits are rich in polyphenols like flavanols, flavonols, anthocyanins, procyanidins, sterols, carotenoids, and hydroycinnamic acids. UK Women’s Cohort Study.

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