Permaculture: Ground Zero
Dear Friends, It’s Spring and the faithfulness of Mother Nature awakens us to new buds, the singing of birds, and the beginnings of another growing season—a fresh new start. Make sure you check out Green Facts as we have a beautiful nesting eagle couple with their hatchlings on live video in real time, 24/7! Last week we presented five heavy lifters for the cause of healing the earth by becoming in tune with the ways of nature: The Center for Health and the Global Environment, The International Living Building Institute, The Biomimicry Institutue, The Center for Ecoliteracy, and Permaculture. This week I want to introduce you more fully to Permaculture. It is the bedrock for creating a paradise on earth. In army jargon, Permaculture is “putting boots on the ground” in the battle to save our planet to life, utilizing the most fundamental of truths to bring about abundance. The following collection of short videos will take you on a journey into the wonderful world of permaculture. You will be amazed and blessed. Permaculture’s vision is to set up training centers around the world that demonstrate permaculture systems. These sites will not only demonstrate but educate people to all the solution that are needed to feed the people of the world, and create a Garden of Eden in the process. You will see in this video their method in action, on the training of locals to be teachers who train others to be teacher, creating and linking centers worldwide. Their method is practical and doable. When we understand how to create a sustainable relationship with what is around us then life becomes a paradise. Permaculture is about relationship. It’s a celebration of being human and creating sustainable relationships around us. It is about looking at nature and connecting with her. It teaches the skills of real survival, of making the connection with real food. Permaculture is a system of design for meeting all human needs—where we are regenerating and healing all ecosystems. It increases the biodiversity of life. Permaculture is a cooperative process with nature, creating ecosystems of abundance. It is about finding a way to get back to the land and nature even in an urban environment—transforming one block, one neighborhood at a time. As you become familiar with Permaculture, you will be astounded at the abundance that permaculture can produce. Remember how we talked about growing your own food last year? This year you can start early, learn from Permaculture. Thirty-five pound zuccinis and cabbages, brussels sprouts the size of apples, one potato plant yielding 40 potatoes. Winner of hundreds of blue ribbons and a holder of many Guinness Book of Records, an Alaska farmer reveals his secret to growing giant vegetables. It has to do with the compost, the micronutrients and the bacteria. How to Feed the Hungry in Africa (with Bill Mollison the founder of Permaculture) Bill Mollison who is the founder of Permaculture teaches us how to feed Africa. From afar Africa seems in a hopeless state. Up close, in this video, you can see a true answer and a vision of how to feed Africa. It is simply amazing. It’s a new spring and a good time for a green resolution—to fall in love with nature! As you check out the above videos you will see that these are just a part a whole host of short videos you can select from regarding Permaculture. They are so very exciting, inspiring and hopeful. I can think of no better gift from me to you than to truly turn you on to Permaculture. Enjoy. Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: Why not start this year right by bringing more fresh organic produce into your diet. One easy way to do that is by joining an organic CSA. To find an organic Community Support Agriculture near you click here. Over the years I’ve shared with you our wonderful experience with our CSA, Helsing Farms. We’re going to sign up with them this week. The Last Quiz Answer: Zebras in the wild have an average life span of 25 years. The young cheetah who this male zebra is chasing down has an average life span of 7 years. A male zebra can weigh as much as one-half a ton with a height of five feet at the shoulders. Zebras are social animals. They live in small family groups consisting of a stallion and several females and their young. These units may combine with others to form awe-inspiring herds thousands of head strong. A herd has many eyes alert to danger. If any animal is attacked, its family will come to its defense, as this young cheetah is finding out.