Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Metabolic Syndrome

Dear Friends

Metabolic Syndrome is a disorder that now affects about 1/4 of the American population and has emerged as a worldwide epidemic.  It may soon replace smoking as the leading cause for Coronary Heart Disease—the number one cause of death for men and women in the US (NIH: NHLBI, 2015). Additionaly, Metabolic Syndrome is causative for diabetes, NAFLD and cancer.

The risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome are (Grundy 2004, McCullough 2011):

  • Abdominal obesity
  • Atherogenic dyslipidemia
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Insulin resistance
  • Proinflammatory state
  • Prothrombotic state

Therapeutic Food protocol for Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Beta Glucan High Potency Synbiotic – 1 heaping tbl BID before 2 largest meals.
  • No. 7 Systemic Booster 1 tsp before bed. 
  • Be Regular – 2 heaping tbl taken as a meal replacement three times a week.
  • Phyto Power – 2 capsules daily.
  • Chromium, Bio-organic with Beet – 1 capsule BID.

Food Science:

How can Therapeutic Foods help in the challenge to reduce of the above risk factors?

There is a multitude of research that strongly makes the point that as dietary fiber goes up the risk of Metabolic Syndrome goes down (Grooms, 2013). Beta Glucan Synbiotic, No. 7 Systemic Booster, Be Regular, and the Phyto Power together contain powerful soluble and insoluble fibers.  Click on their links to see more.

How does fiber do this?  It helps get rid of excess bile, feeds our good gut bacteria which enhances our SCFA production and reduces cholesterol synthesis, reduces macronutrient absorption, low energy density, gastric distension and increase satiety, delayed gastric emptying, effect on gut hormones, reduced post prandial responses.  All of this collectively helps to control body weight, cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure (Satija, 2012).

Reducing chronic inflammation is of course the major factor for reducing the above risks and the friendly probiotics, rich assortment of phyto nutrients (i.g. flavonoids,etc) in Beta Glucan Synbiotic, Be Regular, Phyto Power and No. 7 all makes this possible (Pan, 2010).


  • Ford et al. (2014). Efficacy of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics in irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idopatahic constipation: sytematic review and meta-analysis. AM J Gastroenterol; 109(10): 1547-61.
  • Grooms et al. (2013). Dietary Fiber Intake and Cardiometablic Riks among US Adults: NHANES 1999-2010. Am J Med; 126(12): 1059-1067.
  • Pan et al. (2010). Anti-inflammatory activity of natural dietary flavonoids. Food Funct; 1: 15-31.
  • Satija A, Hu FB. (2012). Cardiovascular Benefits of Dietary Fiber. Curr Atheroscler Rep; 14:505-514.


Seann Bardell

We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners.  There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health.  Please  use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

Green Facts:

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Michael Gregor maintains in Metaboic Syndrome and  Plant Based Diets that eating vegetarian cuts the odds of having metabolic syndrome by more than half.  Check out this 2 minute video.

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