Dear Friends
As we age we tend to store more fat, simply because our body is less efficient converting stored body fat to energy. So then we diet and employ a caloric restriction, but our body, very quickly, slows down its metabolism, which makes it more difficult to loose fat weight.
But the good news is that in studies, 7-Keto DHEA and Seaweed Extract, demonstarte healthy support of weight loss as 7-Keto enhances metabolic rate by promoting thermogenisis (fat burning), while seaweed polyphenols help facilitate the balancing of healthy insulin levels.
No. 4 Systemic Booster: Metabolic Balance addresses weight loss issues—the reduced metabolic rate and the rate of absorption of calories through its two components: 7-Keto DHEA which is a downstream metabolite of DHEA and seaweed extract from kelp and bladderwrack.
7-Keto DHEA
Clinically- Proven 200% More Weight Loss Than Diet and Exercise Alone.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl 7 Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults, Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
- The Effect of 7-Keto Naturalean on Weight Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Curr Ther Res 2002:63(4).
Majority of Weight Loss is Fat Loss.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Thermogenic and Body Composition Effects of 3-Acetyl-7oxo- Dehydroepiandrosterone (7-Keto) Clinical Study Final Report, Humanetics Archives.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl-7-Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults. Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
- The Effect of 7-Keto Naturalean on Weight Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Curr Ther Res 2002:63(4).
Promotes Weight Loss Without Use of Stimulants.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl 7 Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults, Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
- The Effect of 7-Keto Naturalean on Weight Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Curr Ther Res 2002:63(4).
Awarded U.S. Patent for Metabolic Rate Increase and Weight Loss.
- United States Patent Number 7,199,116.
Augments What the Body Naturally Produces.
- Ergosteroids II: Biologically Active Metabolites and Synthetic Derivatives of Dehydroepiandrosterone. Steroids 1998;63:158-165.
- Induction of Thermogenic Enzymes by DHEA and its Metabolites, In: Bellino F, Daynes RA, Hornsby PJ, Lavrin HD, Nestler JE, eds. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Aging. New York:New York Academy of Sciences; 1995:171-179.
- Studies in Steroid Metabolism: Isolation and Characterizartion of New Urinary Studies. J Biol Chem 1954;210:129-137.
Clinically- Proven Weight and Fat Loss
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl 7 Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults, Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
- The Effect of 7-Keto Naturalean on Weight Loss: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Curr Ther Res 2002:63(4).
Safe, When Used As Directed
- Safety and Pharmacokinetic study with escalating doses of 3-acetyl-7-Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy male volunteers. Clin Invest Med 2000;23(5):300-310.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl 7 Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults, Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
- Humanetics Affidavit, Humanetics Archives.
Activate 3 Thermogenic Enzymes- Promotes Thermogenesis by Burning Fat.
- Ergosteroids II: Biologically Active Metabolites and Synthetic Derivatives of Dehydroepiandrosterone. Steroids 1998;63:158-165.
- The Effects of the Ergosteroid 7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone on Mitochondrial Membrane Potential: Possible Relationship to Thermogenesis, Arch Biochem Biophys 1997;341:122-128.
- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of 3-Acetyl 7 Oxo-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Over Weight Adults, Curr Ther Res 2000;61(7):435-442.
Natural 7 Keto Levels Decline With Age
- Marench LP. Secretion of Testosterone, Epitestosterone, Androstenedione, and 7-KEto-Dehydroepiandrosterone in Healthy Men of Different Ages. Prob Endokrino. 1979;25(4):28-31.
Increases Metabolism 5.4% Without Use of Stimulants.
- HUM5007, a novel combination of thermogenic compounds, and 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone: each increases the resting metabolic rate of overweight adults. J Nutr Biochem 2007;18:629-634.
Brown Seaweed: Ascophyllum nodosum (Kelp) and Fucus vesiculosus (bladdwrack)
Consumption of brown seaweed extract inhibits activities of alpha glucosidase and alpha amylase.
- Roy M, Anguenot R, Fillion C, Beaulieu M, Berube J, and Richard D. 2011. Effect of a commercially-available algal phlorotannins extract on digestive enzymes and carbohydrate absorption in vivo. Food Res Int. 44(9): 3026-3029, doi:10,1016/j.foodres.20011.07.023.
- Apostolidis E, Lee CM. In vitro potential of Ascophyllum nodosum phenolic antioxidant-mediated alpha glucosidase and alpha amylase inhibition. J Food Sci. Apr 2010 75(3):H97-H102.
Digestion of carbs is slowed down, not blocked. You eat 100 calories, you digest 100 calories.
- Roy M, Anguenot R, Fillion C, Beaulieu M, Berube J, and Richard D. 2011. Effect of a commercially-available algal phlorotannins extract on digestive enzymes and carbohydrate absorption in vivo. Food Res Int. 44(9): 3026-3029, doi:10,1016/j.foodres.20011.07.023.
Lowers postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels.
- Paradis ME, Couture P and Lamarche B. 2011. A randomized crossover placebo-controlled trial investigating the effect of brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus) on postchallenge plasma glucose and insulin levels in men and women. Anal Physiol Nutr Metab. 36:913-919 (2011)
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
Clinical Note:

The beauty of the combination is that they help the body to burn stored body fat for energy, thereby helping one to loose weight as body fat.
For weight loss the capsules need to be taken 15-30 minutes before meal, to allow disintegration and blending of the ingredient with stomoach content before digestion occurs. Do not take with enzyme supplements. Take with you largest meals of the day.
The Last Quiz Answer:
Grey langurs are a genus of Old World monkeys once thought to be a single species. Seven distinct species are now recognised, which are widespread throughout south Asia. The most northerly species are generally larger and heavier than the southern langurs and walk with their tails pointing forward, while southern langurs point their tails backwards. Grey langurs, with their black hands and face, are also known as Hanuman langurs after the monkey-god, and so are considered sacred in the Hindu religion. (BBC Nature)
The Chital deer and the langur monkeys work together to warn each other of danger, like a hungry tiger. Imagine yourself out in the Land of the Tiger witnessing this drama between the between a tiger and its prey, the deer and the monkey.

Have you been watching the presidential debates? Notice the lack of even the slightest mention of our environmental crisis? Isn’t is very clear that big oil’s lobbiests have silenced our politicians? We need to wake them up!!! is facilitating our wake up call.
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