From Sluggishness To Full On Energy
Dear Friends
We’ve decided to dedicate our Friday Newsletters to share with you the wonderful reviews and protocols you have reported experiencing while using of the Therapeutic Food Supplements.
This past Monday we put out our newsletter focusing on ENERGY- our ATP inducing product. This prompted Dr. Sam Jama, a PhD cohort of Dohrea's and a good friend, to send the following emails:
Hi Dohrea!
I didn’t sleep well last night... so I’ve been sluggish today.
I just took the Energy pill about 20 minutes ago. I notice the heaviness under my eyes has gone and dissipated. I also notice more energy (eg, return of lightness in the back of the neck) in my general affect! Awesome!!
Also awesome that this effect is from holistic sources! Well done!!!! Starting my 1 hr 20 minutes of HIIT, and 15-20 mins of yoga!
Great job on this to you and Seann (and your doctors)!!
Sending gratitude to you both!!!
Sam replied after his work out, "I felt good after the workout. I just finished 1.5 hours of hiit and skipped out on the yoga (cause I need to work lol)!"
I replied to Sam and asked him to explain in more detail the nature of his exercise routine and life style. Here was his reply:
I am a practicing vegan. I predominantly eat fruits and vegetables, which make up about 80% of my diet. I work out about 80 minutes everyday, doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) at a moderate pace. I also practice yoga for about 20 minutes, five days a week. During the pandemic, I try to keep active by remaining on my feet for most of the day. I make sure to walk at least 11,000 steps daily.
ENERGY, our plant based Mesozoic Minerals with Apple Extract polyphenols can provide the precursors your mitochondria needs to create more ATP, pure energy to fuel every one of your metabolic processes. ATP makes your body work well on every level. ATP is the gas to fuel most all intracellular and extracellular metabolic processes enabling you to have more energy, stronger immunity, a healthier nervous system and better moods. Take 1 to 2 capsules daily or more as need.
Sincerely yours,
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
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