Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

From Detox to Reboot: What Does Science Say?

By now you have had a chance to get to know me, a little bit, and understand my commitment to the scientific method. 

And what is the scientific process? It starts with curiosity which creates a question. The better the question is (clear definition and intent of discovery) - the better the research. Then comes the hypothesis, which is our supposition or assumption, and of course, we are supposing mainly because we think we know the answers, but also because we have to write an abstract to get funding. 

If you are laughing or smiling, you are with me on this - although we both know it is so typical human nature, to predict and at the same time, not know whether our prediction is correct. 

Hence - the fun of the research in itself.

This brings us to the research or testing of that hypothesis which is reliant on the question we have asked. 

And by the way, in the social sciences, we often do not have a hypothesis, the question itself is the instigator of the research method and steps and theories frame or guides the research process. And - since we are human, we have plenty of assumptions! 

We then analyze the results, draw conclusions, and publish

 All is simple and good, except that when you do a literature search on holistic methods to reboot the body, there are indeed many books, diets, and experts. Yet, very little scientific method in any of these approaches. 

This is the reason I cherish the steadfast work of my own team, their many years of expertise, combined with their acute curiosity (asking questions is not only scientific, it is an art form), and keen observations. 

Rebooting after detox, in the literature, scientifically speaking, is scarce, as there are very few large clinical studies, and primarily smaller works, focused upon specific steps, diets, mental and spiritual practices, and supplements. 

The mediterranean diet has much to say about finding balance and harmony, connecting back into whole, fresh foods. You can learn more about it from our friend, Dr. Artemis Morris, and rewatch her teaching in Share the Power

However, Godos et al., (2024) examines many facets of the Mediterranean diet that have not gone through the scientific method, and although the researchers agree with its usefulness, many more features need to be studied. This is exactly what our Dr. Morris is doing when she travels back to Greece. Stay tuned! 

Ketogenic diets have been getting a more thorough examination as of late, and the shine is deeming ( Joshi et al., 2024). Plant based diets in the scientific literature show many positive findings (Thompson et al., 2024; Loeb et al., 2024). And the list goes on, with some diets being more favorable, and others less, although we do know that we need more studies! 

Integrative health and holistic methods have seen more interest in the scientific community, I am thankful that there is a growing scientific literature on food and supplements - and we certainly need more! 

There is much to say about Detox and Reboot, first on the scientific method, and next on what is the literature actually saying about it? What does our body need?

Until next time. 


As always, The Original Synbiotic (probiotics and prebiotic) is the foundation from which we build health: resetting our microbiome back into homeostasis. 

Original Synbiotic: for the whole family. 


  • Antram, K. (2023). Fix Your Fatigue: 5 Steps to Regaining Your Energy. Random House.
  • Dominguez, L. J., Di Bella, G., Veronese, N., & Barbagallo, M. (2021). Impact of Mediterranean diet on chronic non-communicable diseases and longevity. Nutrients, 13(6), 2028.
  • Finicelli, M., Di Salle, A., Galderisi, U., & Peluso, G. (2022). The Mediterranean diet: an update of the clinical trials. Nutrients, 14(14), 2956.
  • Gauch, H. G. (2003). Scientific method in practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Godos, J., Scazzina, F., Paternò Castello, C., Giampieri, F., Quiles, J. L., Briones Urbano, M., ... & Grosso, G. (2024). Underrated aspects of a true Mediterranean diet: understanding traditional features for worldwide application of a “Planeterranean” diet. Journal of Translational Medicine, 22(1), 294.
  • Guasch‐Ferré, M., & Willett, W. C. (2021). The Mediterranean diet and health: A comprehensive overview. Journal of internal medicine, 290(3), 549-566.
  • Joshi, S., Shi, R., & Patel, J. (2024). Risks of the ketogenic diet in CKD–the con part. Clinical Kidney Journal, 17(1), sfad274.
  • Lenzen, V. F., Pepper, S. C., Adams, G. P., MacKay, D. S., Strong, E. W., Melden, A. I., & Dennes, W. R. (2022). Civilization. Univ of California Press.
  • Loeb, S., Hua, Q., Bauer, S. R., Kenfield, S. A., Morgans, A. K., Chan, J. M., ... & Mucci, L. A. (2024). Plant‐based diet associated with better quality of life in prostate cancer survivors. Cancer, 130(9), 1618-1628.
  • Miller, R. W. (2021). Fact and method: Explanation, confirmation and reality in the natural and the social sciences. Princeton University Press.
  • Thompson, A. S., Candussi, C. J., Tresserra-Rimbau, A., Jennings, A., Bondonno, N. P., Hill, C., ... & Kühn, T. (2024). A healthful plant-based diet is associated with lower type 2 diabetes risk via improved metabolic state and organ function: a prospective cohort study. Diabetes & Metabolism, 50(1), 101499.
  • Wiśniewska, K., Okręglicka, K. M., Nitsch-Osuch, A., & Oczkowski, M. (2024). Plant-Based Diets and Metabolic Syndrome Components: The Questions That Still Need to Be Answered—A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 16(1), 165.



Yours as always,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

More Research: Peace

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 This one paragraph in Kant's Enlightenment always makes me think: what is the limits of our abilities to express our opinions publicly? Remember, this was written in 1784!

"Nothing is required for this enlightenment, however, except freedom; and the freedom in question is the least harmful of all, namely, the freedom to use reason publicly in all matters. But on all sides I hear: “Do not argue!” The officer says, “Do not argue, drill!” The tax man says, “Do not argue, pay!” The pastor says, “Do not argue, believe!” (Only one ruler in the World says, “Argue as much as you want and about what you want, but obey!”) In this we have examples of pervasive restrictions on freedom. But which restriction hinders enlightenment and which does not, but instead actually advances it? I reply: The public use of one’s reason must always be free, and it alone can bring about enlightenment among mankind; the private use of reason may, however, often be very narrowly restricted, without otherwise hindering the progress of enlightenment."

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