Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Eat Your Blueberries Daily

Dear Friends

How do we achieve healthy aging? Heal chronic disease?

Find the answers, and there are many, in Donnie Yance’s important new book, Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism:  Elite Herbs and Natural Compounds for Mastering Stress, Aging , and Chronic Disease.

This book is a must read! It will also serve you as a reference book for therapeutic strategies, protocols, diets, what to do and not do, and so much more.

For example:  At the core of the process of aging is the loss of vitality,

This loss of vitality affects people of all ages, economic and social statuses, and nationalities.  I believe that we must exhaust all possible therapeutic resources in order to understand and address the root cause of this deficiency (p. 1).

His book explores how our individual vital energy and our unique personal and physiological responses to stress affect our health and longevity, and how a specific group of elite herbal remedies known as adaptogens—incorporated into a comprehensive integrative protocol based on botancial medicines, nutritional supplements, dietary improvements and lifestyle changes—can dramatically improve our lives.

We are also honored that Donnie incorporates our Therapeutic Foods in his protocols as exemplified by his use of our Wild Blueberry Extract (also known as bilberry)— the brand of bilberry capsules I recommend is BioImmersion’s Therapeutic Foods line:  500 mg of a 150:1 extract. Dosage ranges from one to three capsules, once or twice a day (Page 383).

That is powerful dosing for vitality, brain function, and as research shows over and over again, to fight against and support the treatment of cancer.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Notes:

We also suggest the use of the PhytoPower for its four species of blueberries, including billberry. Recall that many of the research articles use different kinds of blueberries. This is the good news. Even better, our blueberries are from Alaska, are wild crafted, and have exceptionally high levels of flavonoids. It is the amount of sunshine during the growing season and the clean, cold (partially frozen) soil. A challenging environment produces higher actives in a plant. This power is given to us through these precious plants.

The Last Quiz Answer:
Elephants come to us out of the blue…communication in the animal kingdom is as natural as a breeze…they do have communication, physical and metaphysical, that would make Bill Gates mouth drop open…
Lawrence Anthony, legendary conservationist and author of The Elephant Whisperer, died last March. Two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush for 12 hour, breaking barriers to surround his house and mourn his death.


La Via Campesina, the international peasants’ movement —200 million members strong—is one of our world’s most promising hope for resolving the hunger and starvation pandemic. Around the world they are being trained in agro-ecology principles.  Two more of my top 10 favorites.


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