Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Dr. Artemis Morris's Redemptive View: Nature, You, and The Whole Planet

Dear Friends

Here is our dear friend Dr. Artemis Morris redemptive view on all our sufferings during Covid-19 ups and downs: 

I think the redemptive gift of COVID has been time for reflection, self-reflection, self-awareness.

Reflecting on what we want as individuals, what our lives could look like if we let go of fear and let go of all the definitions of what we are supposed to be doing and what we are supposed to be thinking.  The gift of time is allowing us to be aware of ourselves on a physical level, on an emotional level, on a spiritual level, so we can recognize our needs. I discovered that my needs, are very simple -   connecting with nature and eating from nature. I’m a big advocate of wild edible plants and whole foods and that comes from my Greek upbringing.

The importance of family and really understanding who I want around me and what I want to do to help serve on a larger level.  Even with young children and a lot of responsibilities, I had more time than I did before COVID to really dedicate some time for me, my own health and my own wellness.  Wellness encompasses more than just health.  It encompasses what I need to heal and to be the best human I can be on not only a body level, but a mind and spirit level.

Really another gift is that there has been a major shift towards wellness.  We recognize that in order for us to be healthy we have to be well.  With the pandemic, statistically speaking based on research and based on science, if we are eating healthily and taking judicious amounts of plants and supplements that are necessary to prevent nutrient deficiencies, taking walks outside, cultivating our own spiritual practices, and connecting with people (safely) for social support. We do need each other.  We need love in our lives.  We need to feel connected.

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

Green Facts:

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Get to know Dr. Morris, here's her beautiful website and new book.

"A Naturopathic Doctor’s Guide to Wellness for Immune Support."  On Amazon

My thesis on how to make sense of what is going on and to provide tools  and ways to stay well that involve much more than just the body.  It features naturopathic medicine and answers the questions we have during this time. You’ll find principles about creating responsible, respectful global holism, by reconnecting not only with our own inner nature and who we are and what we need, but also with the world we are a part of and what has gone wrong. It is time to understand what we need to do to connect, to heal on a planetary level as well as on a personal level.






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