Diversity in Diet, Important for Health
Dear Friends
Does the key to our overall good health have anything to do with eating more fruits and vegetables? When the Harvard School of Public Health recommends we eat between 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, variety rules. As the article says, “More Matters,” but why?
Our early beginnings as a human species were spent as hunters and gatherers (foragers and scavengers). We lived with nature and ate from her table wildcrafted roots, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Our genes, our metabolic and physiologic pathways depended on a diversity of nutrients in order for these pathways to fully reflect and manifest our full genetic potential.
Today what do we do? The average American eats somewhere between 1 to 3 servings of fruits and vegetable a day and this puts our population at risk to chronic degenerative diseases. Check out Raj Patel’s illuminating book, Stuffed and Starved. There are now in the world over a billion people who are starving and a billion people who are overweight. Both groups are basically malnourished.
It is tough to change our diets and add 13 servings of fruits and veggies. Even harder is the fact that fast foods are addicting. Even when we eat healthy foods we have a tendency to “narrow down” and select the same foods over and over again. But the reality is that the pathways to health can get turned on by bringing in the full spectrum of nutrients from fruits and vegetables. And, this is another reason why we designed the therapeutic foods supplements. We felt we needed to expand our own diets! These products are meant to elegantly bring into our diets the powerful metabolic and health enhancing diverse nutrients that fruits and vegetables provide. They are meant to make any diet more potent.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
Clinical Notes:
If you look closely you can see two sea horses strolling along. They really do look like horses. What do you know about them. Not much I’ll bet. Here’s are 10 tidbits:
1. Seahorses are fish. 2. Seahorses are bad swimmers. 3. Sea horses live around the world. 4. There are 53 species of seahorses. 5. Seahorse eat nearly constantly. 6. Seahorse mate for life. 7. Male seahorses give birth. 8. They are expert camouflagers. 9. Used in medicine. 10. Are at risk to extinction.
Half a Million Ask EPA to Reject Expanded Agricultural Use of Toxic Pesticide 2,4-D.
Over half a million people have submitted comments to the EPA asking the agency to reject Dow Chemical’s plan to see Enlist Duo herbicide for use on corn and soybeens genentically engineered to withstand 2,4-D. The USDA has previously warned that approval of the herbicide and it corresponding GE (genetically engineered) crops would lead to a three to seven fold increase in agricultural use of 2,4-D, a toxic herbicide linked to Parkinson’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and other health harms. (Center for Food Safety Press Release July 1st, 2014)
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