Destruction of the Great Northern Forest
Dear Friends, ![]() To your right, the Spirit of the Northwoods greets you. Its home, the great Boreal Forest encircling the Artic. In total, the boreal forest covers 6.41 million square miles. Also called the Taiga, it is found throughout the high latitudes between the tundra and the temperate forest,from about 50 degrees to 70 degrees North. In North America it covers most of inland Canada and Alaska as well as parts of the extreme northern continental US. It also covers most of Sweden, Finland, much of Russia, Northern Kazakhstan, northern Mongolia and northern Japan. A little over 30% of the world’s forests are in the far North. We’ve thought of the Boreal, like that of the ocean, as so vast, so remote, untouchable to our polluting ways. But as we are seeing, just as we have observed in the oceans of the world with from 1/4 to 1/3 of the coral reefs (the tropical rainforests of the ocean) dieing, we are now seeing the faultering of the great Taiga.
If the forests stop soaking up carbon dioxide or slow their productivity then more CO2 remains in the atmosphere to contribute to global warming. Why is the northern terrestrial carbon sink beginning to waiver?
![]() I was so moved by this song, that I wanted you now only to be able to hear it but to see its words in print. So here is the written version of My Memory Forever:
Alberta exported 1.4 million barrels per day of crude oil to the USA. The demand for oil consumption for the US in 2009 was 18.8 million barrels per day. Alberta oil sands could expand to the size of Florida. They are set to double to 3.5 million barrels per day by 2020. Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: Isn’t it time for a Spring cleaning of our body? Many of you have your detox programs for your patients in the Spring. Our new product fit right in. Here they are: Energy Sustain, Cruciferous Sprouts Complex, Chlorella, Phyto Power, Ultra Minerals and Original Synbiotic Formula. Let’s look at them from right to left: Energy Sustain: organic quinoa, amaranth, chia, buckwheat and millet, all especially milled to make their nutrients available. There is no gluten, yeast, wheat, corn, soy, or excipients and additives of any kind. They are clean and pure. They are kosher. Cruciferous Sprouts: broccoli, daikon radish, red radish, watercress, kale, mustard, cabbage. All freeze dried sprouts harvested on the third day when their glucosinolates are at their heights. Phyto Power: whole and very potent multi-species of wildcrafted Blueberry, Dandelion and Rosehips—just think of the red, blue and green power. Ultra Minerals: 72 nano sized, negatively charged plant derived minerals from Deep Time—predating humans destructive involvement with the land. Original Synbiotic Formula: good bacteria and good fiber. Mix with a little dilute organic pear or apple juice—a good breakfast. The Last Quiz Answer: Research concerning the chemical analysis of the composition of the Venusian atmosphere has yielded figures of 95-96% carbon dioxide, 3-4% nitrogen, with traces of oxygen, argon and methane. The same analysis for Mars returns 95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, only 0.15% oxygen and only 0.03% water. In comparison the Earth’s atmosphere at present is 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen with traces of carbon dioxide, methane and argon. The earth’s atmosphere exist in a state far from equilibrium because of life, the biosphere—Gaia.