Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Bold Corrective Voices

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

BioImmersion’s newest product, Ultra Minerals, takes us to the heart of saving our planet for abundant life: our earth’s soil.  This week’s beautiful creature reminds us of an era, a time before the dawn of humans when our soil was rich in minerals—and consequently so too were the plants and all animal life that consumed them—creating a lush and healthy flora and fauna.  Today, because we have trashed the air, sea, and land, we are in the midst of an escalating disaster that literally may push us all into the next major extinction—the seventh in Earth’s history.

Why is this happening and what can we do?
Gold mining is big business in Peru.

Gold mining in one of the most pristine virgin rainforests on earth—the Madre de Dios region in Peru’s Amazon basin—is a prime example of humankind’s absolute disregard for the environmental impact of their actions and consequences to their health.  They are oblivious, but we aren’t.  Worldwide we have already destroyed over one-half of the world’s rainforest.  In this picture you are not only seeing formerly mineral and microbial rich soil that has been neutered of all mineral and microbial content, but you are seeing a soil to which toxic mercury has been added as a means of getting out the gold.  Over 50 tons of mercury is used by small-scale miners in this region each year.  The ugly truth is that some $50 billion of mostly foreign investment is lined up for extractive industries in Peru over the next decade.  Corporations are continually raping and pillaging the commons.  The Peruvian rainforest is being destroyed for gold!

Green house gases the worst ever recorded.

The global output of heat-trapping carbon dioxide jumped by the highest amount on record, the U.S. Department of Energy calculated, a sign of how feeble the world’s efforts are at slowing man-made global warming.

The new figures for 2010 mean that levels of greenhouse gases are higher than the worst case scenario outlined by climate experts just four years ago.

The world pumped about 564 million more tons (512 million metric tons) of carbon into the air in 2010 than it did in 2009. That’s an increase of 6 percent. That amount of extra pollution eclipses the individual emissions of all but three countries – China, the United States and India, the world’s top producers of greenhouse gases.  [Shame on us!]. (Huffington Post)

But the world is waking up.

The world’s people are stirring, even in America —Occupy Wall Street … Occupy Oakland … Occupy Seattle.  The heavy hitters are coming out and it’s good to study what they are saying and how they say it.  They are the apologists for our cause.  May I introduce you to three leaders you must get to know:  Chris Hedges, Annie Leonard, and Amory Lovin from the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Chris Hedges shuts down CMC Kevin O’Leary

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer prize winning reporter and author.  He is one of the most articulate spokes person for the cause of fighting to save the enviroment, social justice and sustainable economies.  Watch how Chris Hedges keeps his cool in a hot exchange with Kevin O’Leary.

In this Part One of an interview with Chris Hedges at Occupy Wall Street in NYC you get to hear more fully as Hedges expands his dissection and analysis on the nature of the reality before us:

We are calling forth for the restoration of the rule of law... the power in our society has been seized by a thin oligarchic class, a thin managerial elite, [a handful of transnational corporate giants] … nefarious forces that are destroying our ecosystems and destroying our country … they want us to remain passive and frightened … two-thirds of this country increasingly are being pushed to live at a subsistance level.

The Story of Broke

The United States isn’t broke; we’re the richest country on the planet and a country in which the richest among us are doing exceptionally well.  But the truth is, our economy is broken, producing more pollution, greenhouse gasses and garbage than any other country. (Annie Leonard 2011)

Annie Leonard has dedicated nearly two decades to investigating and organizing on environmental health and social justice.  Her team has created these absolutely brilliant animated presentation of the social issues we are facing.  Her first was The Story of Stuff, which was following by The Story of Bottled Water, The Story of Electronics, The Story of Cosmetics and more.  Her latest, just released this week is The Story of Broke—It’s short and to the point.

Reinventing Fire

Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era offers actionable solutions for four energy-intensive sectors of the economy: transportation, buildings, industry, and electricity.  Built on Rocky Mountain Institute’s 30 years of research and work in the field, Reinventing Fire maps pathways for running a 158%-bigger U.S. economy in 2050 but needing no oil, no coal, and no nuclear energy.

Do you now see how special the Ultra Minerals are? See last week’s email for more information. This new product is a missing link to our good health.
Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Bring a full array of minerals into your body as nature intended. Our new Ultra Minerals derived from Mesozoic vegetate delivers as many as 70 plus minerals on which we once prospered in a form that is safe, readily digestible and bioavailable. Take one to two capsules a day. See how your body feels in a month or two.

The Last Quiz Answer:

What is the most widely distributed genus of nonhuman primates—the Macaques. And, one’s watching you now.

Twenty-two Macaque species are currently recognized.

Macaques have a very intricate social structure and hierarchy. If a macaque that is lower level in the social chain has eaten berries and there are none left for a higher level macaque, then the one higher in status can, within this social organization, remove the berries from the other monkey’s mouth.

This U-tube exerpt from Planet Earth shows Japanese macaques relaxing in a hot spring bath in the heart of a very snowy winter—at least those of higher ranking.

Help Hold Microsoft AccountableYou can take action by simply signing a petition. The link above takes you to the CREDO petition that reads, It is irresponcible and hypocritical for Microsoft to support climate denial. Stand by Microsoft’s stated policy on climate change and stop sponsoring the Koch brother’s climate denial lies.

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