Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Beta Glucan Is Back!

After a few months of delays in manufacturing we finally have the Beta Glucan Back on our shelf, and as usual, better than ever. 

The Beta Glucan Synbiotic Formula qualifies for the American Heart Association and Food and Drug Administration “Healthy Heart” seal of approval (FDA, 2002). The suggested daily guideline of two tablespoons contains high concentration of oat beta glucan (10%) for cardiovascular support. Oat beta glucan is also shown in research to reduce serum LDL cholesterol and improve liver function (see research tab).

The Beta Glucan offers heart, gut, and immune boosting healthy support. The formula contains an advanced combination of naturally occurring whole pedigreed probiotic organisms, with their supernatant and ORNs. Together, the super blend of organisms with special fibers from beta glucan, beetroot, and inulin, effectively building a robust, healthy ecosystem (microbiome) in the gastrointestinal tract. The whole organic red beetroot (15%) and inulin from organic chicory fiber (10%) are also found to confer many exciting health benefits: energy production, antioxidants, bowel regularity, liver support, a gentle detox, and more. The beta glucan from oats are 99.98% gluten free. US Patent # 6,060,519.

The Beta Glucan is Vegan, Kosher, Non GMO, and 99.98% Gluten Free.

Beta Glucan Synbiotic


To your health,

Seann and Dohrea 

We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

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