Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Beta Glucan: FDA Approved for Coronary Heart Disease

The FDA in 1997 approved a health claim that beta glucan soluble fiber from oats and oat bran reduced coronary heart disease (CHD). 

Approving a health claim is no small matter for the FDA, and since cardiovascular disease is responsible for millions of deaths globally - and within this category, half of it is due to coronary heart disease and stroke (Mathews et al., 2020) - it is important for us to take a closer notice at this global review. 

There is, in fact, considerable amount of research on the correlation between oat beta glucan and lowering of cholesterol - and as result, coronary heart disease.

Nations around the globe approve the claim between oat beta glucan and reduced CHD: Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Brazil, many nations in Europe, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea. 

Speaking of nations: Take a look at the new corner - Research and Our World - where we chat about the Peace Research that BioImmersion is supporting: Mine. I will have tiny little segments of how to view peace and what goes on in international relations, in academia. 

Back to Beta Glucan: Examine closely the different claims each nation is approving in Mathews et al. (2020, Article) - from function/structure claims to reduced risks to 'high level' claims in Australia and New Zealand where beta glucan reduces cholesterol levels. 

Take a look at Table two to see the different studies that were included in the findings from 1997 to 2019.

Mathews' global review article is extensive and worth reading, the tables show a quick summary of all the studies and how these studies are interpreted by different nations.

When we understand the knowledge, it is easier (and healthier) to incorporate body and mind into a harmonious working team. That's what we call the journey back to wholeness. 


Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan 


  • Mathews, R., Kamil, A., & Chu, Y. (2020). Global review of heart health claims for oat beta-glucan products. Nutrition Reviews, 78(Supplement_1), 78-97. Article

Yours as always,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

Research and Our World:

Globe_Home 3

BioImmersion is into supporting Peace Research, and specifically now, the question is - what kind of leaders and leadership style does our world need to shift into a peaceful state? 

Stay tuned. 

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