ASD Support
Dear Friends
The gastrointestinal ecosystem of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been found to often have an overgrowth of clostridial species.
Clostridial species produce propionic acid (PPA) in abundance. PPA is dangerously neurotoxic.
First, PPA has shown to cause an opening of the tight junctions in the GI tract mucus membrane, thereby manifesting the condition known as leaky gut syndrome.
Second, after passing into the systemic circulation through these breaches in the GI tract, PPA is also able to cross through the blood-brain barrier causing inflammation and damage to brain tissue, resulting in symptoms and behaviors characteristic of ASD.
Scientists are coming to the conclusion that supporting a healthy gut membrane is key to ASD support. But how do we reduce clostridia and strengthen this delicate one-cell membrane of the GI tract?
The Therapeutic Food Synbiotic formulas provide probiotic strains that produce bacterocins against clostridia, thereby supporting the reduction in clostridial populations. And with the aid of gentle fiber (such as the Be Regular), these probiotics produce the critically important fatty acid butyate- a key SCFA supporting a healthy gut membrane. (See Clinical Notes).
Recommended Dose:
Capsules: Supernatant Synbiotic Formula: take 2 capsules daily.
Powder: Original Synbiotic Formula and No. 7 Systemic Booster: take 1 teaspoon daily.
For further comments see Clinical Notes.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
- Mulle at al. (2013). Gastrointestinal Microbiome: A New Frontier in Research. Curr. Psychiatry Rep; 15(2).
- Finegold et al. (2002). Gastrointestinal Microflora Studies in late-Onset Autism. Clin. Infect. Dis.;35(1):S1-S16.
- MacFabe DF. (2015). Enteric short-chain fatty acids: microbial messengers of metabolism, mitochondria, and mind: implications in autism spectrum disorders. Microb Ecol Health Dis; 26:28177. Doi: 10.3402/mehd.v26.28177. eCollection 2015.
Clinical Notes:
There are three main fatty acids produced by the gut microbes as a byproduct of their fermentation of dietary fibers—butyric, acetic and propionic. Butyric acid is crucial for GI tract membrane health, as it is the primary fuel used by the colonocytes mitochondria for energy, enabling a healthy cell turnover, and therefore a tightening of cell junctions.
All of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in our synbiotic formulas are strong butyrate producers and Clostridia inhibitors. If you prefer a capsule then select the Supernatant Synbiotic, the High ORAC Synbiotic or the Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic or a powder then select the Original Synbiotic, the Beta Glucan Synbiotic and the No. 7 Systemic Booster.
Green Facts