Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Are you an Activist?

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

This week I want to talk about activism. ACTIVISM is one of these words that upon encountering it—you feel tired! Do you feel strange or have reservations calling yourself an activist? In this Forward Thinking segment we will get over all the hurdles to activism and enjoy standing with many people who are dedicated to bring about change. Being a holistic doctor is in fact being an activist—there is much to say about the struggles and hurdles that doctors and health practitioners have gone through to educate and heal people in the natural and holistic way. It is almost the norm now! What used to be thought of as “quack” is now a respectable and valued medical model. But there is more work to be done friends.

I am afraid the time has come for all of us not only to become activists but convince others they are needed as well. We know too much and therefore can’t afford to sit on the sidelines any more and just watch others do it. For the healing of our planet to occur we all need to be involved.

The good news is that to begin our life as a conscious activist we don’t have to march in the streets. Let me show you two fantastically easy and meaningful ways to get involved. One is through Food Democracy Now and the other is Defenders of Wildlife.

Food Democracy Now is a grassroots community dedicated to building a sustainable food system that protects our natural environment, sustains farmers and nourishes families. Members organize both though online campaigns and in-person actions across the country.

From the Food Democracy Now website:

Our food system is fundamentally broken. A few companies dominate the market, prioritizing profits over people and our planet. Government policies put the interests of corporate agribusiness over the livelihoods of farm families. Farm workers toil in unsafe conditions for minimal wages. School children lack access to healthy foods–as do millions of Americans living in poverty. From rising childhood and adult obesity to issues of food safety, air and water pollution, worker’s rights and global warming, our current food system is leading our nation to an unsustainable future.

Food Democracy Now! members have a different vision. We know we can build a food system that gives our communities equal access to healthy food, and respects the dignity of the farmers who produce it. We believe in recreating regional food systems, supporting the growth of humane, natural and organic farms, and protecting the environment. We value our children’s health, worker’s rights, conservation, and animal welfare over corporate profits. And we believe that working together, we can make this vision a reality in our lifetimes.

Just click on the above link and it will take you to the Food Democracy Now! home page. There you will see a little “post it note” that says Join US—just put in your Name, Email and Zip and hit submit and you’re a member.

Defenders of Wildlife was found in 1947 and is one of the country’s leaders in science-based, results-oriented wildlife conservation.

Here is a message from their President:

Our nation’s wildlife and wild places are precious gifts that enrich our planet and sustain us. But nearly everywhere, natural habitats—home to all kinds of creatures—are being destroyed to make way for new shopping malls, roads and housing developments. Meanwhile, in the halls of Congress, some politicians are eager to open public lands to oil drilling. Others are pressing to unravel the Endangered Species Act, our country’s pre-eminent wildlife conservation law. And beyond our borders, millions of animals are being exploited or killed illegally each year—becoming pets, food or souvenirs. With so many threats, concerned citizens are coming to the defense of America’s wildlife, and Defenders of Wildlife is proud to be a leader in the fight to preserve our nation’s animals and plants for generations to come.

Both of these organizations have fantastic sites for getting involved. They outline the problems and let you add your own thoughts or feedback to well-crafted letters that are sent to the appropriate corporate officials or congressperson or government agency or news outlet so your voice can be heard with hundreds of thousands of others. It is so easy for your voice to be heard and your vote to be noticed. And, the best thing is that you have begun to speak out. You are an activist.

What three things can you do that contribute activism towards the cause of creating a healthy world of people who desire social equity, environmental quality and sustainable economy? Of course, as a health practitioner you are healing people. So what can be two other things that you can do?

What is your New Year Resolution? We are in the middle of Rosh Hashana—the Jewish New Year. Let us each think of three ways we can move in activism this year. Two of mine: One is to join these two websites and to participate and the second is to ask, every time I go out to eat: “what is organic on your menu?” The third I will share with you later.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Increased urinary excretion of a 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropionic acid (HPHPA), an abnormal phenylalanine metabolite of Clostridia spp. in the gastrointestinal tract, in urine samples from patients with autism and schizophrenia. In his paper Dr. William Shaw, founder of The Great Plains Laboratory, links high levels of HPHPA with autism and schizophrenia, and that by reducing Clostridial levels symptoms improved.

We developed Supernatant Synbiotic Formula specifically to deal with nosocomal infection caused by Clostridium difficile. It took us a year of research to select the probiotic species that most effectively inhibited Clostrial spp. Dr. Shaw in his article also cited L. rhamnosis as an effective organism in suppressing Clostrium. Our Original Synbiotic Formula contain high counts of L. rhamnosis. Interestingly, our doctors who treat mostly autistic patients have found both the Supernatant and the Original to be very effective.

The Last Quiz Answer: This remarkable creature is an owl who’s in rehabilitation at the North Carolina Raptor Center. The Center is dedicated to enviromental stewardship and the conservation of birds of prey, through education, research and the rehabilitation of injured and orphaned raptors.

Many birds injuries are too severe to be healed properly. While the majority are released after treatment, 27% would not survive if they were released and many assume their new role as ambassadors for the center and other nature centers.

Are you familiar with the David Suzuki Foundation? Once in, then click on the About Us button, and also on the What you can do. button? You will be glad you did. He’s amazing.

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