Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

NIH weighs in on the Human Microbiome (Part 2)

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?


Dear Friends

In 2007 the Human Microbiome Project was launched by NIH.  After the successful mapping of the human genome by NIH’s Human Genome Project, the next logical genetic mapping, relevant to human health, was thought to be the mapping of the human microbiome.

The Human Microbiome is the full collection of microbes (bacteria, fungi, virus, etc) that naturally exist on and within the human body. (NIH)

This past June 2012, in Nature, the Human Microbiome Project came out with the first part of the reports on their five years of research into the human microbiome.  In an introductory piece, entitled Learning about who we are, Dr. David Relman (from the Departments of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University) proclaimed:

We owe much of our biology and our individuality to the microbes that live on and in our bodies—a realization that promises to radically alter the principles and practice of medicine, public health and basic science.

Two HMP studies are in this issue, one by Huttenhower et al entitle, Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human mirobiome, and the other by Methe’ et al, Human gut microbiome viewed across age and geography.  These together with 15 other papers, published simultaneously elsewhere, comprise the first reports of the HMP consortium research groups.

Two hundred and forty-two healthy adults in the US had three samples taken from 15 sites for men and 18 sites for women, over a period of 22 months, generating a total of 11,174 samples.  Through metagenomic analysis of these samples they were able to determine the following:

  • There was substantial variation in both the diversity and the composition of the microbial communites at differnet sites within the same general body region.
  • They discovered that taxonomic and genetic diversity was greatest in mouth and stool samples.
  • The relative representation of taxa and genes in each habitat varies considerably between individuals.
  • The most common cause for exclusion of people from the HMP was chronic gum disease, a condition that is increasingly regarded as normal in developed countries.
  • Populations living in less-developed regions of the world have markedly different microbiomes from those living in the US.
  • The relative abundance of microbial genes associated with certain physiological pathways varied less between samples for the same habitat than did the relative abundance of taxa.
  • This suggests that there is functional redundancy between microbial community members. 

There is obviouly much, much more to say, but right now I want to stop and say, 

Both Dohrea and I wish for you the very best on this Thanksgiving Holiday!

Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

The BioImmersion Synbiotic Formulas are the Original Synbiotic formula, the Beta-Glucan Synbiotic Formula, the Triple Berry Probiotic Formula, the High ORAC Synbiotic Formula, the Supernatant Synbiotic Formula, the Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula and the No. 7 Systemic Booster.They represent the following strains:  L. bulgaricus ATCC pending, DUP 14073, L. helveticus ATCC 7994, L. casei ATCC 393, B. infantis ATCC 15697, B. longum ATCC 15707, L. acidophillus ATCC 4356, S. thermophillus ATCC 19258, L. plantarum ATCC 8014 and L. rhamnosus ATCC 7469.

Next week we will get into the research on the different strains, relative to human health.

The Last Quiz Answer:

This creature immerging from the sandis a Sahara Chameleon.  There are approximately 80 living species of chameleons, all but four living in Africa.  The largest is the size of a domestic cat, the smallest at about the length of two short fingernails.

They are famous for their projectile tongues, independent eye movement, preheensile tail and grasping feet.  When they spot an insect,  their usual prey, they rock back and forth adjusting their position for maximal striking accuracy—dinner is served.

Our voices have the power to change the world.  

Last week at this time there was the 24 hour continuous broadcast over the internet from around the world called the Dirty Climate Report.  The theme was dirty energy makes for a dirty climate.  Click here now on this link: Climate Reality  It’s not too late to add your voice!!!


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