Joint Pain? Osteoarthritis? Fructo Borate
There are many clinical studies on Fructo Borate and bone health: from stronger bones to less pain in the joints, more flexibility, and less irritation.
And surprisingly, Fructo Borate was studied for heart health, lungs, breast health and a host of other functions. We will discuss these exciting findings in our next communication.
Butan and her team or researchers (2024) from the University of Galaţi (in Romania) just released a comprehensive review on the state of Fructoborates and their important nutritional compounds and effect on health.
When studying fructo borates, the focus of scientists is no longer whether it 'works' or not, but how does it work; what are the mechanisms and how do their chemical properties bestow the many benefits to the body. Learn more in the references below.
Meanwhile, use 1-2 capsules once or twice a day, for reduction of pain in the joints. 1-2 capsules once daily for flexibility and anti-inflammatory effect.
Yours as Always,
- Butan, S., Filimon, V., & Bounegru, A. V. (2024). Human health impact and advanced chemical analysis of fructoborates: a comprehensive review. Chemical Papers, 1-17.
- Hunter, J. M., Nemzer, B. V., Rangavajla, N., Biţă, A., Rogoveanu, O. C., Neamţu, J., ... & Mogoşanu, G. D. (2019). The Fructoborates: Part of a Family of Naturally Occurring Sugar–Borate Complexes—Biochemistry, Physiology, and Impact on Human Health: a Review. Biological trace element research, 188(1), 11-25.
- Li, G., Cheng, T., & Yu, X. (2021). The impact of trace elements on osteoarthritis. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 771297.
- Pietrzkowski, Z., Phelan, M. J., Keller, R., Shu, C., Argumedo, R., & Reyes-Izquierdo, T. (2014). Short-term efficacy of calcium fructoborate on subjects with knee discomfort: a comparative, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Clinical interventions in aging, 895-899.
- Reyes-Izquierdo, T., Nemzer, B., Gonzalez, A. E., Zhou, Q., Argumedo, R., Shu, C., & Pietrzkowski, Z. B. (2012). Short-term intake of calcium fructoborate improves WOMAC and McGill scores and beneficially modulates biomarkers associated with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot clinical double-blinded placebo-controlled study. Am J Biomed Sci, 4(2), 111-122.
- Scorei, R. I., & Rotaru, P. (2011). Calcium fructoborate—potential anti-inflammatory agent. Biological trace element research, 143, 1223-1238.
- Scorei, I. D., & Scorei, R. I. (2013). Calcium fructoborate helps control inflammation associated with diminished bone health. Biological trace element research, 155, 315-321.
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
My Research: Peace
Woo, B. D., & Nam, H. (2024). Women and Peace Theory and Civil Conflict Intensity. SAGE Open, 14(2), 21582440241245315. |
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