Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

A Rising Tide of Antibiotic Resistance

Dear Friends

Defend yourself against drug resistant bacteria.

The rising tide of antibiotic resistant (AR) bacteria and AR genes within the human microbiome is cause for the greatest of concern. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics in human medicine, in animals as growth promoters, in aquacultures, in food production, etc. has resulted in the xenogenetic pollution of the microbiome.

It must be remembered that our microbiome, the full collection of bacteria in our gut, nose, respiratory tract, on our skin, etc—bugs that are our intimate partners as we journey through life, must be acknowledged and treated with care.  They are central to our health and well-being.

We are entering the flew and cold season and using antibiotics as our first line of defense is like taking a slug hammer to our bodies—there is collateral damage.  And, indiscriminant use of antibiotics is putting us in danger of increasing the reservoir of AR genetic material in and on our bodies.  Our bodies are ecosystems and we must apply as ecological approach to achieve a strong immune system and strong body.  Why not practice a medical ecology.

Lemon K, Microbiota- Targeted Therapies: An Ecological Perspective, Sci Transl Med 6 June 2012:Vol. 4, Issue 137,p. 137.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell


Clinical Notes:

Become a medical microbial wildlife manager.  Rather than slaughtering good and bad bacteria in the name of winning the war against the bad.  Where you may have won this particular battle, but you may have in fact set the body up for a more difficult battle with antibiotic resistant bacteria later.

We have specialized in the development of medically sound probiotics products containing organisms with decades of research surrounding their efficacy in protecting our body and supporting our immune system.  Our present synbiotic formulas are:

The Last Quiz Answer:

This amazing creature is the black rhino. There were an estimated 100,000 that existed in the early part of the 20th century.  The numbers tumbled to a low point of 2,480 individuals. Fortunately, over the last two decades, because of conservation efforts, their numbers have doubled to around 5,000. Unfortunately, the species is still poached for its horn. High prices are paid for it in the Asian market. Unlike the horns of most animals, which have a bony core covered by a relatively thin layer of keratin, rhino horns are keratin all the way through. According to the 16th century Chinese pharmacist Li SHi Chen, the horn could cure snakebites, hallucinations, typhoid, headaches, carbuncles, vomiting, food poisoning, and “devil possession”. Regarding snakebites, many poisons are strongly alkaline, and may have reacted chemically with the keratin.

NASA climate scientist James Hansen gave his TED talk February 29th, 2012 where he laid out the case for taking urgent action to reduce greenhouse emissions.

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