Will the Second Green Movement feed the world?
We’ve looked at the first Green Revolutions and seen how it has missed the mark when it comes to feeding the world. In fact, many think it is one of the reasons for our worldwide problem of obesity and starvation.Let’s discuss the second Green Movement, an important and needed movement that promotes farming with nature, organically and eco-agriculturally. Yet it is failing, so far. Why is it failing to fix the world’s food problem, global and local environmental issues, and ultimately our health issues?

Can you identify this beautiful creature?
What is ecological farming and how would this green movement succeed in feeding the malnourished and starving, as well as reverse our self-imposed path toward global ecological mass destruction.
For starter, and there will be more, here are some key words for us to get a handle on: Food Sovereignty, Via Campesina, and Agro-ecology.
Food Sovereignty now appears as one of the most powerful responses to the current food, poverty and climate crises. (Via Campesina website)
The worldwide pushback against the-industro-agro-food-cartel’s farmland and food system global takeover is seen in the 200,000,000 peasant strong revolt called La Via Campesina.
The main goal of the movement is to realize food sovereignty and stop the destructive neoliberal process. It is based on the conviction that small farmers, including peasant fisher-folk, pastoralists, and indigenous people, who make up almost half the world’s people, are capable of producing food for their communities and feeding the world in a sustainable and healthy way.
So what is agro-ecology, the official farming method that Via Campesina’s chooses to follow?
- The application of ecology to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems.
- A whole-systems approach to agriculture and food systems development based on traditional knowledge, alternative agriculture, and local food system experiences.
- Linking ecology, culture, economics, and society to sustain agricultural production, healthy environments, and viable food and farming communities.
Sustainable agroecosystems maintain their natural resource base, rely on minimum artificial inputs from outside the farm system, manage pests and diseases through internal regulating mechanisms and recover from the disturbances caused by cultivation and harvest. Click here for an inspiring outline of the Principles of Agroecology and Sustainability.
We’ll focus on Permaculture, Biodynamic Farming and the One Straw Revolution next week.
Clinical Notes:
Check out our truly Organic Chlorella. Each pressed tablet of pure Chlorella, there are no excipients in any of our products, contains 500mg of cracked cell walled Chlorella. It is an amazing superfood. Chlorella is the largest selling supplement in Japan. The above link will give you its features and benefits.
Talk about symbiotic relationship in nature, this monkey, the Northern Plains gray langurs (Presbytis entellus), and the deer beauty above, called a Chital, certainly have one.
Predators of the chital include wolves, tigers, Asiatic lions, leopards, Indian rock pythons, etc- there are a host of them, and even though they can run up to 40 mph, it’s good to have friends like the langurs. Langurs have good eye sight and serve as tree top lookouts, while the Chitals have a good sense of smell to sniff out their mutual enemies.
The World Meteorological Organization just released its latest atmospheric CO2 findings. The UN weather agency reported that the carbon dioxide levels in the world’s atmosphere hit a record high in 2013. It was the fastest rise measured in over 13 years. Are we approaching the tipping point?
The industrial Agricultural Complex along with our whole global food procurement system easily accounts for 40% in the CO2 emitted. We need a sea-change here!
Join in The Largest Climate March in History in New York City on Sept 21, 2014.
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