Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

What’s new at BioImmersion?

Dear Friends

What’s new at BioImmersion?   Plenty!  And, we are very excited to share the good news this week.  First, we are almost done updating all the labels.  Thank you, Hovie Hawk, our amazing website and label art designer who we think has done a beautiful job! Secondly, we continually seek out and incorporate into our formulas more powerful plant materials and bio-available nutriceuticals. Our proprietary blends of naturally occuring, whole probiotics, complete with their supernatant and ORNs are better than ever. We have been working in the last two years with our scientists and researchers to advance and update our formulations according to the latest scientific findings.

As ususal, we are not trendy or commercial – we hold firm to scientific research and formulate accordingly.

Here is a glimpse of four advanced formulas.  I’ll expand on them in the coming weeks.

(1)  GLUCOSINOLATES & SULFORAPHANES:  Organic Broccoli Sprouts

  • This product advances the Cruciferous Sprout Complex, with six times  the potency of sulforaphane potential.
  • Glucosinolate is the precursor molecule to glucoraphanin which is the precursor to sulforaphanes.
  • Sulforaphes enhance detoxication of aflatoxins, the most dangerous of mold toxins, and air-borne pollutions, and is a major inducer of phanse 2 detoxication enzymes for liver detox.

G and S

(2)  ENERGY:  Plant Ultra Minerals with Apple Extract

  • Our proprietary blend of ancient plant minerals and apple extract has been clinically testedto increase ATP levels by enhancing mitochondrial ATP production.
  • Resistance training with healthy males saw increases in their strength and endurance while taking this product.
  • Supplementation with our Energyblend of ancient peat minerals and apple extract enhanced resistance training-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy without affecting fat mass or blood chemistry of rhese healthy males.



(3)  No. 7 Systemic Booster:  The New Longevity

  • The new longevity: In research, aging is linked to a variety of chronic illnesses that occur due to a continual inflammatory state in the body, which accelerates stem cells’ deterioration and ultimately lessens our ability to regenerate. 
  • The No 7 combination of Polyphenols (from high active berries, fruit, veggies, and greens), Fibers, Prebiotic, B12, Fructo Borate, Folate, Chromium, and the new blend of naturally occurring whole Probiotics with their Supernatant and ORNs offer potent calming nutrients and rejuvination.
  • The No 7 boosts many systems in the body: the GI Tract, Urogenital, Osteo-skeletal, Cardiovascular, Brain and Neurological, Detoxification, Metabolic, Digestive, and Energy.

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(4)  High ORAC Synbiotic:  Post Antibiotic Care

  • The High ORAC is 10 times more potent with Total ORAC of 40,000ppm! The advanced formula’s Polyphenols re-energize our bodies by boosting nitric oxide levels in the blood; stimulate antioxidant activity while reducing ROS; improve cellular oxygen consumption.
  • The new naturally occuring whole probiotics with Supernatant and ORNs create a more acidic ph balance in the gut, allowing a better growth of good organisms while creating an antimircrobial effect that protects the GI tract membrane from opportinistic pathogen- e.g., Candida.
  • Since antibiotics often unbalance the microbiome (GI Tract) resulting in overgrowth of yeast in the gut and vagina, we have chosen plant extracts that have antimicrobial properties, and together with the probiotic, reduce pathogenic populations, calm the GI, and restore normal balance to the microbiome.

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  • Zhang, Y., Kensler, T. W., Cho, C. G., Posner, G. H., & Talalay, P. (1994). Anticarcinogenic activities of sulforaphane and structurally related synthetic norbornyl isothiocyanates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 91(8), 3147-3150.
  • Zhang, Y., & Tang, L. (2007). Discovery and development of sulforaphane as a cancer chemopreventive phytochemical. Acta pharmacologica Sinica, 28(9), 1343-1354.
  • Don James, Sridevi Devaraj, Prasad Bellur, Shantala Lakkanna, John Vicini and Sekhar Boddupalli, Novel concepts of broccoli sulforaphanes and disease: induction of phase II antioxidant and detoxification enzymes by enhanced‐glucoraphanin broccoli, Nutrition Reviews, 70, 11, (654-665), (2012).
  • Joy, J. M., Falcone, P. H., Vogel, R. M., Mosman, M. M., Kim, M. P., & Moon, J. R. (2015). Supplementation with a proprietary blend of ancient peat and apple extract may improve body composition without affecting hematology in resistance-trained men. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 40(11), 1171-1177.
  • Joy, J. M., Vogel, R. M., Moon, J. R., Falcone, P. H., Mosman, M. M., Pietrzkowski, Z., … & Kim, M. P. (2016). Ancient peat and apple extracts supplementation may improve strength and power adaptations in resistance trained men. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 16(1), 224.
  • Moco, S., Martin, F. P. J., & Rezzi, S. (2012). Metabolomics view on gut microbiome modulation by polyphenol-rich foods. Journal of proteome research11(10), 4781-4790.
  • Duda-Chodak, A., Tarko, T., Satora, P., & Sroka, P. (2015). Interaction of dietary compounds, especially polyphenols, with the intestinal microbiota: a review. European journal of nutrition54(3), 325-341.
  • Federico, A., Morgillo, F., Tuccillo, C., Ciardiello, F., & Loguercio, C. (2007). Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in human carcinogenesis. International Journal of Cancer, 121(11), 2381-2386.

Sincerely yours,


We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.

Green Facts:

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Federico et al. in their research paper, Federico, A., Morgillo, F., Tuccillo, C., Ciardiello, F., & Loguercio, C. (2007). Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in human carcinogenesis.  International Journal of Cancer, 121(11), 2381-2386, state that a wide array of chronic inflammatory conditions predispose susceptible cells to neoplastic transformation.

Inflammatory condition occurs when the generation of free radicals and active inter-mediates in a system exceeds the system’s ability to neutralize and eliminate them.  Reactive intermediates of oxygen and nitrogen may directly oxidze DNA, or may interfere with DNA repair.

The above link takes you to this review which focuses on some of these intricate events by discussing the relationships occurring among oxidative/nitrosative/metabolic stress, inflammation and cancer.

You can see now when contemplating on the features and benefits of our products outlined above that they have major applications for this chronic inflammation condition and its down stream consequences.

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