Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Regularity for Children

Dear Friends

Chronic constipation in our young population is a growing concern for parents and doctors.

Much of the discussion in the scientific community is focused upon fiber. We have formulated the Be Regular with five organic and gluten free seeds:  Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Millet and Quinoa.

These seeds are ancient! They have been with us for thousands of years and globally used as foundational foods. Rich in both soluble and insoluble fibers, they contain essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates with an overall low glycemic index.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Food Science

Lee and associates (2008) researched the bowel habits of 368 children aged 3-5years from kindergartens in Hong Kong.  Constipation was confirmed by Rome-criteria.  Consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole-grain cereals, and fluid were determined using a 3-day food record.

A total of 28.8% children were reported to have constipation. Median dietary fiber intake of constipated children was significantly lower than non-constipated.  Constipated children also had significantly lower intakes of vitamin C, folate and magnesium.  Fruit intake and total plant foods intake were significantly lower in the constipated than non-constipated children.

The authors conclusion was insufficient dietary fiber intake is common in Hong Kong pre-school children. And that constipated children had significantly lower intakes of dietary fiber and micronutrients which was attributed to the under-consumption of plant foods.

We have known fiber is central for regularity for a long time. Almost two decades ago, a study by Morais (1999) evaluated the fiber intake of children with chronic constipation using two tables of fiber composition of foods, a Brazilian table that counts values of soluble and insoluble fiber, and a table based on the method of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC).

The researcher’s results determined that the total fiber intake of the constipated children was lower than the control group of children with daily, healthy bowel moments.  The Brazilian table showed that the lower consumption of total fiber was attributable to a low intake of insoluble fiber whereas the intake of soluble fiber was not significantly different between the two groups.


  • Lee, W.T., Ip, K.S., Chan, J.S., Lui, N.W., & Young, B.W. (2008). Increased prevalence of constipation in pre-school children is attributable to under-consumption of plant foods: a community-based study. J Paediatr Child Health, 44,170–175.
  • Morais, M.B., Vítolo, M.R., Aguirre, A.N., & Fagundes-Neto, U. (1999). Measurement of low dietary fiber intake as a risk factor for chronic constipation in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 29, 132–135.

Green Facts:

Globe_Home 3More that ever we need to tune in, learn from and support organizations like The Environmental Working Group.  Here is their 2017 Dirty Dozen.  EWG’s analysis of tests by the U.S. Deparment of Agriculture found that nearly 70 percent of samples of 48 types of conventionally grown produce were contaminated with pesticide residues.
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