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How We Can Eat to Prevent Free Radicals


Image: Patrick Feller via CC License

Do you realize that every time we eat we create free radicals in our body?

We have known for a long time that free radicals or ROS (reactive oxygen species) are associated with a host of diseases, from diabetes (Mohanty et al., 2000), to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and more (Paiifici & Davies 1991).

If every one of our meals creates these free radicals, what should we eat?

What foods create more free radicals and in turn these diseases, and what foods balance the generation of these ROS and help protect us from these diseases?

The rest of the story: What should we eat to reduce ROS?

We have known for a long time that free radicals (ROS) damage cell membranes, lipids, proteins, DNA, which is in turn associated with a host of other diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, IBD (Paiifici & Davies 1991).

The Metabolic process of turning food into energy creates free radicals. Mohanty et al. (2000) demonstrated the relationship between nutrition and ROS generation. They investigated the effect of glucose challenge on ROS generation by leucoyctes, and concluded that glucose intake stimulates ROS generation.

Our bodies, in the process of metabolizing our most basic molecule for energy— glucose—create an overload of free radicals. It is simply the process of digesting our foods that generates so many free radicals.

Dr. Greger (see Green Facts) argues that during our evolution there was no such thing as sugar water associated with the foods we ate. In nature, as he says, “all sugars and starches come prepackages with antioxidants.” This means that sweet foods such as fruit are balanced with important phytonutrients.

He further states that, “this process of oxidizing carbs for energy is messy and that it generates free radicals. If we chug down straight sugar water the level of oxidation in our blood stream goes up over the next few hours. But if we drink a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice you don’t get that spike in oxidation. Why?”

Because the fresh squeezed OJ has antioxidants in the form of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Which is it, the C or the flavonoids or both that account for the free radical neutralizing power here?

Dr. Greger’s answer is that there is still a spike in oxidation with the combination of sugar and vitamin C.   It is not the vitamin C in orange juice but the citrus phytonutrients like hesperetin and naringenin that beat back the oxidation.

And here is the central point. We must eat phytonutrient-rich plant foods with every meal to create a balance and bring our bodies out of a pro-oxidative state. We need more fruits and colorful vegetables with each meal.

And, this is where the Therapeutic Food Supplements can come and make a world of different in our health today. Since the Therapeutic Foods Supplements are concentrated phytonutrient-rich plants, it is easy to bring our bodies back into oxidative balance.

Clinic Note:

We need to seek out plant sources with high active phytonutrients in them. And, that is exactly what we have done for you in the creation of our Therapeutic Foods Supplement line.

Here are some of our products that offer rich array of antioxidant phytochemicals:

Blueberry Extract: our new blueberry extract is truly remarkable. It is the market’s only 100% North American blueberry extract. This North American cultivar contains a phenolic profile and content that is amongst the richest of all fruit. It provides high concentrations of a broad spectrum of anthocynins.

Suggested Dosage: one capsule a day.

High ORAC Synbiotic Formula: this diverse synbiotic formula brings together the various qualities of blueberry extract, grape and grape seed extract, raspberry and raspberry seed extract, bilberry extract, cranberry, tart cherry and prune plus the soluble fiber inulin from chicory root and a 25 billion count of the pedigreed probiotic organisms L. acidophilus and B. longum.

Suggested Dosage: one capsule a day

Beta Glucan High Potency Synbiotic Formula: our new synbiotic formula contains 50% more viable CFU at the two year label claim- 66 billion per 2 tbl and 3 times the overage at the date of manufacture at 176 billion per 2 tbl. It also contains 10.5 grams from oat bran (high in beta glucan fibers), red beetroot and inulin. The red beet root contains betalain a very strong antioxidant.

Suggested Dosage: from one tsp to two tbl daily.

No. 7 Systemic Booster: this rich synbiotic formula contains also a wide selection of fruit rich in polyphenolic for high antioxidant potency. Amongst its probiotics and over nutriceuticals is contain organic cranberry extract and whole fruit, organic pomegranate extract and whole fruit, organic tart cherry and organic pineapple.

Suggested Dosage: one tsp daily.

Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic Formula: our unique formula brings out the best of both cranberry and pomegranate. The former helps to provide powerful support for healthy urinary tract function, the latter aids a healthy inflammatory response and resistance to infection. They both provide strong support in neutralizing free radicals.

Suggested Dosage: one to two capsules daily.

Cruciferous Sprout Complex: A pure mixture of seven nutrient-rich varieties of cruciferous spouts, intelligently crafted to stimulate the liver’s production of Phase 2 Enzymes that make up the pathway for Phase 2 liver detoxification, critical for keeping our blood clean and free from free radicals.

Suggested Dosage: two capsules daily.

Chlorella Organic: the world’s richest source of chlorophyll, derived from its green pigment. Also is a rich source of carotenoids. Chlorophyl facilitates the cleans of the blood and neutralize free radicals. Chlorella is also the world’s richest source for a complete collection of amino acids. It is truly a super food.

Suggested Dosage: two to four capsules daily.

Phyto Power: a wildcrafted wonder, Phyto Power brings together the whole fruit and seeds of three species of Alaska rosehip, four species of dandelions (roots, leaves and flowers) and four species of blueberry. An extremely powerful and pure broad spectrum flavonoid profile offering our a strong antioxidant profile.

Suggested Dosage: one to two capsules daily.

The key strategy to balance out the oxidative stress of digestion is to add a dose the Therapeutic Foods Supplements with every meal. For example:

Before your breakfast take a tablespoon of the Beta Glucan High Potency Synbiotic in a tall glass of water with one Blueberry Extract.

For lunch with your meal take two capsule of the Phyto Power and 2 tablet of the Chlorella.

And, for with dinner add 2 Cruciferous Sprouts and 1 High ORAC.

Be creative. It is simple, easy, and yet powerful. Help your body to balance free radicals generated during the digestive process of your meals.

Green Facts:

Michael Greger M.D. is an amazing resource for bringing healthy eating back into a center place in medicine. Check out his website and this video: and The Minimum Recommended Daily Allowance of Antioxidants.



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