Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Cold and Flu Season Support

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your wonderful loyalty as customers and collaborators in our journey together to help people become healthy.  Our Therapeutic Food Protocols for Health is the result of our joint effort with you over the last eight years.  It has been a long time in the making for sure.

Throughout the Fall/Winter we will be offering webinars regarding the effective use of Therapeutic Food Supplements within your practice.  Beginning in November we present the first of the webinars, offered multiple times to give you ample opportunity to join with us.  Here’s the November schedule:

Date: November 9th, 16th & 23rd. (The same seminar, three Monday evenings to choose from).
Time: 5 pm to 6 pm  and again at 7 pm to 8 pm (Pick the best time for you).
Title:  Therapeutic Foods Protocols for Health:  a new platform in the practice of medicine.
Comments:  You will be able to print out the Protocols for Health booklet before the webinar.  It’s perfect for taking notes in.Lack of diversity and the lack of embracing diversity is literally driving us to extinction.

Here’s a sampling of a Therapeutic Food Supplement protocol for you see and try:

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Cold and Flu Season Support

Condition:  Feeling like a sore throat is coming on, or maybe it’s fully arrived.  Try the following:

Take a glass of water and mix in the powder from one or two capsules of the garlic.  After about a minute add a heaping teaspoon of No. 7 Systemic Booster to the water.  Stir and drink slowly so as to coat and treat the mucous membrane of your mouth and throat.  Next, take a level teaspoon of the LactORN, allowing it to dissolve in your mouth, priming your immune system.

Garlic, Organic, Freeze-dried


This exceptionally potent supplement boasts four to five cloves of organic garlic in every capsule.  Known as the Russian Penicillin, garlic has been used for centuries therapeutically as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial; and over the last thirty years this has been our focus as well.

Each bottle contains 90 capsules of pure, high actives, organic garlic.  This QAI Certified garlic is exceptionally potent at 10,000 ppm alliin.  At 400mg garlic per capsule this translates to 2.65 mg of allicin per capsule.  That’s it.  No excipients of any kind.

Suggested dosing:

Take one to two capsules and open them up, pouring the powder into a glass of water.  Stir, allowing the whole garlic clove powder to react with the water.  In about 40 seconds you will have freshly produced allicin, garlic’s premier antimicrobial substance.  Swig it around in your mouth, slowly swallowing it, gargling as it goes down the hatch into you stomach.  You are treating the whole mucous membrane of the GI tract with this powerful broad spectrum antimicrobial for a lot of pathogens.  The amazing feature of garlic is that it is non-toxic to the Genera of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.  Our probiotic organisms are unharmed, yet at the same time it stops a lot of bad bugs right in their tracks.

Usually one dose is enough.  But if more is needed a couple times a day for a couple of days should do it.

LactORN, Lactobacillus ORNs


LactORN contains the probiotic Lactobacillus casei grown in a way to retain its natural ORNs  (oligoribonucleotides).  Plus it contains the prebiotic inulin derived from organic chicory root.  There are no other ingredients.  Its dairy free, soy free, gluten free.  Just good bugs with their ORNs and fiber.  It has a  naturally sweet taste because of the inulin, but no glycemic load.

Think of this product as your immune system boosting tool.  Across animal species, the LactORN has been shown through research to support immune system competencies to prevent infections caused by viruses and bacteria (Marshall, 2007).

Suggested dosing:

Take one level teaspoon slowly into your mouth allowing your saliva to dissolve the powder.  If you need just a little water to support the dissolving process do so.  The point is to allow the Lactobacillus casei to release its oligoribonucleotides into your oral cavity.  A chain reaction will then occur as immune cells imbedded in oral tissues respond to these ORNs by releasing stimulating cytokines that restore the powers of the immune network.  An alert immune network successfully defends the host against viruses and bacteria without side effects.

One dose will prime the immune system for 3 to 5 days.  If needed take two doses per week.

No. 7 Systemic  Booster


No. 7 Systemic Booster boasts a high potency proprietary blend of our Bulgarian probiotic bacteria, plus an important fusion of organic whole fruit and berry extracts, chicory root soluble fiber, with carefully selected complimentary nutriceuticals, that together support the strengthening of many of our body’s systems, including supporting our immune system.

The powerful Bulgarian strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria were selected to protect chronic gut inflammation generated by overgrowth of Clostridia in the GI tract.  Chronic inflammation weakens our immune system.  No. 7’s supernatant ingredient primes both our innate and adaptive immune systems, allowing for a more alert immune response.  Its Vitamin D3 triggers effective antimicrobial pathways by the innate immune system against bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens.  L. Carnitine, another No. 7’s ingredient, strengthens the immune system.

Suggested dosing:

Take one round teaspoon in a tall glass of water.


  • Ankri  and Mirelman. (1999). Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microbes and Infection; 1(2):125-129.
  • Bakri and Douglas. (2005). Inhibitory effect of garlic extract on oral bacteria. Archives of Oral Biology;50(7):645-651.
  • Marshall W. (2007). Oligoribonucleotides alert the immune system of animals to the imminence of microbial infections. US patent 7,189,834 B2.
  • Kroner et al. (2015). Vitamin D every day to keep the infection away? Nutrients; 7(6):4170-88.
  • De Simone et al. (1982). Vitamins and immunity: II. Influence of L-carnitine on the immune system. Acta Vitaminol Enzymol;4(1-2):135-40.

Green Facts

Globe_Home 3

The Senate committee charged with protecting our environment just passed a bill that would make it a lot easier to spray pesticides in and around our rivers, lakes and streams.  Tell Congress to reject this insensible bill now and stand against toxic pesticide pollution of our water.  Take Action.

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