Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Ultimately, what’s stopping the Green Movement?

The vision of The Green Movement is a noble one:  To feed a starving world with the restoration of our world’s ecosystems, as pollution is reduced, drinking water cleansed, and green houses gasses lowered. The result of this balanced stewarding of environment and people will benefit all creatures and plants with increased health. For humans the pandemic of chronic degenerative diseases will cease.

For this green ecological mission we have many allies in the form of concepts, people and organizations. Last week we looked at Food Sovereignty, Via Campesina, and Agro-Ecology. In the future we will examine many more:  Permaculture, Biodynamic Farming, the One Straw Revolution, etc.- all amazing and powerful forces for the healthy transformation of our earth.  They are the rising tide of the green movement.

But this week I want for us to focus on the roadblock, and ask one critical question: what is stopping us from succeeding in our goal?

I turn to another of our friends, a giant in our movement, Ken Cook for one of the answers.

John and his son Ocean Robbins interviewed Ken Cook last April in their week long phenomenal 2014 Food Revolution Summit.

Who is Ken Cook?  Ken is president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group and is widely recognized as one of the environmental community’s most prominent and influential critics of industrial agriculture, US food and farm policy and the nation’s broken approach to protecting families and children from toxic substances.

Ken said in his interview that our food problem is really a political problem, and at the end of the day, our politicians are holding the keys as to which of the green approaches will succeed: the chemical industrial green revolution or the ecological green movement? Ken Cook urged the audience to become more political.  It is time.  Congress men and women are constantly being lobbied by corporate interests (ie Big Farma); and therefore, we also need lobbiest, and more.

The problem with our food system originates in Congress.  How are they voting???  To this end EWG has created the Food Policy Score Card, that clearly rates how our elected officials have voted over time.  The EWG is involved with many issues from feeding starving people in our own country, to healthy school lunches, to farm subsidies, to factory farms, etc.  How has your/our politicians voted on these things?  They created the Food Policy Action Group where these comprehensive score cards are listed, and they inform us of the most important votes based on the judgements of some of the most expert lobbiests working on our side of green. Visit EWG and get involved with one of the most fundamental and important aspects of our green movement.

Clinical Notes:

We are projecting 8 to 10 new products over the next two month, many of which we have been working on for over two years.  We are planning to roll out the new products at our dinner for doctors in New York City, the first week in November, and of course through our website as we bring them in between now and then.  One of the first of the new products will be our new and improved Blueberry Extract, that you have been so patiently waiting for.  This should be in by the first week of October.  I will detail you on it next week in my second email.

The Last Quiz Answer:

Talk about symbiotic relationship in nature between the monkey, known as the Northern Plains gray langurs, and this gorgeous deer, called a Chital.

Predators of the chital include wolves, tigers, Asiatic lions, leopards, Indian rock pythons, etc- there are a host of them, and even though they can run up to 40 mph, it’s good to have friends like the langurs.  Langurs have good eye sight and serve as tree top lookouts, while the Chitals have a good sense of smell to sniff out their mutual enemies.

The EWG will be bringing out their revolutionary food data base which will give us easy to  understand ratings of more than 80,000 foods (more than 1,500 brands) based on nutrition, hazard concerns and degrees of processing.  EWG needs our support to launch this Revolutionary food data base book.

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