Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Let Food Be Your Medicine—No. 7

Dear Friends

When it comes to disease nothing engenders the primal fear of death like cancer.  It’s the shark in the ocean of life.  And, most people when asked to reflect on such a diagnosis acknowledge to lifestyle changes they wished they had made.

How do the 6 products below contribute to the prevention and treatment of cancer?  Last weeks we looked at the Cruciferous Sprouts Complex’s supportive role. This week we’ll look at the No. 7 Systemic Booster’s weaponry.

Prostate cancer is the most common invasive malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths amongt U.S. males, with a similar trend in many Western countries.  One approach to control this malignancy is its prevention through the use of agents present in diet comsumed by humans. (Malik A. et al)

Scientists Arshi Malik, Farrukh Afaq, Sami Sarfaraz et al showed in their research, Pomegranate fruit juice for chemoprevention and chemotherapy of prostate cancer, that pomegranate fruit extract possesses remarkable antitumor-promoting effects.  They showed effectiveness in treatment of highly aggressive human prostate cancer cells that resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of cell growth/cell viability and induction of apoptosis.

The No. 7 Systemic Booster components work together as a daily Therapeutic Food to strengthen the function of the immune system, gastrointestinal system, uro-genital system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, osteo-skeletal system and nervous system. One of No. 7’s key ingredients, relative to cancer prevention and even therapy, is its organic pomegranate juice and extract. Click on its link in this paragraph.



Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Notes:

The BioImmersion Therapeutic Foods Line is a new medical framework.  Built with advanced technologies that maintain the wholeness of food, while utilizing the exact science of molecular concentration for therapeutic purposes.  The results are foods that behave medicinally in the body.  Repairing, healing, protecting, preventing—that is the power of food.  As we like to say:  Welcome to the world of BioImmersion. 

A suggested daily protocol for protection:

  • Organic Chlorella- 4 tabs daily
  • Ultra Minerals- 4 tabs daily
  • Phyto Power- 2 capsules daily
  • Cruciferous Sprouts Complex- 2 capsules daily
  • Wild Blueberry Extract- 1 capsule daily
  • Pick one of our probiotic (synbiotic) products for daily use: the Original Synbiotic, Beta Glucan Synbiotic, High ORAC Synbiotic, Triple Berry Probiotic, Supernatant Synbiotic, Cranberry Pomegranate Synbiotic or the Number 7 Systemic Booster. They are all excellent.

No herbacides or pesticides used on the fields of harvest for our products.

The Last Quiz Answer:


These fierce looking claws are those of the Galapagos marine iguanas.  You would think that like eagles and lions with such sharp tallons they would be consumate carnivores, but in fact they are herbivores, surviving exclusively on underwater algae and seaweed.  Their claws are long and sharp for clinging to rocks on shore as they climb the cliffs or underwater as they try to negotiate the heavy currents while feeding.

Worldwatch Institute- Vision for a sustainable future.

Are you familiar with Worldwatch Institute?  Click on this link and check them out.

Their mission:  Through research and outreach that inspire action, the Worldwatch Institute works to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world that meets human needs.  The institute’s top mission objectives are universal access to renewable energy and nutritious food, expansion of environmentally sound jobs and development, transformation of cultures from consumerism to sustainablility, and an early end to population growth through healthy and intentional childbearing.


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