Better Sex? Look Into Minerals, and Surprisingly, Garlic.
I was researching the role of minerals and trace minerals on human health and came across this precious review on Sex Health in the International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (Athira et al., 2019).
Athira et al. reviews Ayurveda and minerals such as magnesium, selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, and calcium.
Minerals are impressive.
For example, Magnesium improves libido and sexual performance while selenium increase sperm production. Zinc is great for men's prostate health and aids in the production of testosterone and sperm.
As it turns out, low iron means low sexual drive through decrease of oxygen, and calcium which also is responsible for the regulation of our sexual drive does it by establishing a link between hormonal glands and the brain.
And -- a little surprise -- Garlic is a food supplement that increases blood to the sex organs, among many other benefits for both men and women (Bharwadal, 2014; Musavi et al., 2018).
The article reviews some beautiful Ayurveda plants, alongside B vitamins, Vitamin A, C, and fructose in carbs (yes, fructose is important), and amino acids from protein.
A light and worthy Article for the weekend. Explore our Energy for 72 different minerals and Garlic.
- Athira, K. S., Tripathy, T. B., & Sukumar, B. S. (2019). Ayurvedic food supplements for sexual health: A review article. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9(5), 347-355. Article
- Bharwadal, P. (11). foods for increase your sexual appetite. 2014 [Updated2014 april 29; cited 2019 Mar 15].
- Musavi, H., Tabnak, M., Sheini, F. A., Bezvan, M. H., Amidi, F., & Abbasi, M. (2018). Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on male fertility: a systematic review. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 7(4), 306-312.
Yours as always,
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
Green Facts:
Asha, M. R., Hithamani, G., Rashmi, R., Basavaraj, K. H., Rao, K. J., & Rao, T. S. (2009). History, mystery and chemistry of eroticism: Emphasis on sexual health and dysfunction. Indian journal of psychiatry, 51(2), 141.Article/
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