Add Punch to your Fruits and Vegies
Dear Friends

Can you identify this beautiful creature?
Let’s continue the theme from last week’s Forward Thinking as to how BioImmersion’s Therapeutic Foods are part and partial to your getting sufficient vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients in your daily diet.
Had a nice big bowel of fresh fruit this Sunday morning—bright red, juicy strawberries, fat fresh blueberries, ripe tasty raspberries and large pieces of summer cantaloupe.
Picked from our garden? Not exactly, picked the night before from our local Whole Food’s produce isle—their Prepackaged Mixed Berry Salad. Not our usual selection for sure, not even an organic label on it. But, I was in a hurry and that’s what I got. They looked good.
Most Americans make these choices all the time. They know they should be eating an apple a day so they pick a big red Golden Delicious feeling like they are doing a good thing for their body. Did you know that Golden Delicious are a hundred year heirloom. And, shouldn’t we be eating heirlooms because they are better for our health—more phytonutrient? Not necessarily.
In Jo Robinson’s 2013 book, Eating on the Wild Side she summarizes a 2009 study that describes 46 overweight men with high cholesterol and triglycerides who agreed to participate in an eating experiment. Twenthy tree men stayed on their regular diets, serving as a control group. The other 23 men added a Golden Delicious apple to their fare. The research goal was to see if eating an apple a day would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The result: The men, at the end of the study, who ate a golden a day had higher levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol than before the study began. Their conclusion: The golden delicious used were too low in phytonutrients to lower the men’s bad cholesterol, and too high in sugar causing an increase in their triglycerides.
Does that mean that all golden delicious are a variety of apple that like much of our fruits have been breed for sweetness and not for their phytonutrient potency? Well, yes and no, as apple growers are cross-breeding all the time, and there may be varieties of Goldens that have good levels of phytochemicals. The point here is that they should be analyzed for their phytonutrient content, which in turn is made visible for consumers.
Their are several variables that make for high phytochemical content. In another 2009 study by Stracke BA et al, Three-year comparison of the polyphenol contents and antioxidant capacities in organically and conventionally produced apples (Malus domestica Bork. Cultivar ‘Golden Delicious’), J. Agric Food Chem. 2009 Jun 10;57(11):4598-695, the researchers concluded year to year variation in climate played a major role in polyphenol content, as well as farming methods used.
The bottomline is that we need to become diligent consumers, cognicent of the fact that produce varies in phytonutrient power and until we have a more informative system in place, it makes a good health sense to supplement our diet with a therapeutic food line that seeks and produces food supplements with high actives.
So along with my fruit salad I consumed (as I suggested last week):
- Chlorella is a powerful, complete whole food that has the highest percent of protein of any food on earth. It contains the most macronutrients—over 50% protein, 12% lipids in the form of ALA and GLA, 23% carbohydrate, 0.3% fiber, over 5mg/g carotenoids, over 1.3 mg/g nucleotides, 26 types of vitamins, 14 types of minerals and 411 calories per 100 grams.
- Ultra Minerals comes from natures own pristine organic garden of deposited Mesozoic vegetate—72 negatively charged, nano-sized plant derived minerals.
- Number 7 Systemic Booster not only supplies healthy bacteria to help with digestion, they produce B vitamins and the protection of the most important “port of entry” into our body—the GI tract—but also supplies fruit extracts (phytonutrients), and added special forms of Vitamin D3, boron, folate and other added nutriceuticals.
- Phyto Power (click on link and scroll to bottom of the page see Phyto Power’s discussion) provide wild-crafted exceptionally potent species of wild blueberry, rosehip and dandelion.
- Cruciferous Sprouts Complex provides high levels of P2Ps (Phase 2 Enzymes) that enhance Phase 2 liver detox amongst many other important benefits.
Help your body my friends.
Sincerely yours,
Seann Bardell
Clinical Note:
Suggested protocol:
- Organic Chlorella- 4 tabs daily
- Ultra Minerals- 4 tabs daily
- Number 7 Systemic Booster- 1 tsp daily
- Phyto Power- 2 capsules daily
- Cruciferous Sprouts Complex- 2 capsules daily
The Last Quiz Answer:
This beauty is one of the most striking of all flycatchers, both in its colouration and its courtship behaviour, the male vermilion flycatcher is a small but unmistakable bird. The head, underparts and bushy-crested crown are a brilliant scarlet colour, contrasting strongly with the black eyestrip. The female vermilion flycatcher has a very different appearance, with a pale, greyish-brown head, back and wings, a blackish tail and a whitish throat and underparts.
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