Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

My Beautiful Father: Best Friend, and Full of Surprises

I was my father's perfect child, except... no matter how much he tried to feed me interesting and enticing foods, I just did not find food that interesting. 

But I did enjoy hours of his story telling, of conversations, of simply sitting together in silence, in trust and in love. 

He even went shopping for clothes with me, and he always told me I looked divine in anything... 

You can understand why he was my best friend! 

We have always talked, and about everything and anything; about dreams or nightmares, issues we are trying to solve, family, friends, and what lights our life up. 

For my father, it was good company, good food, good wine (or beer, or vodka...), and excellent conversations that lit his life up. And travel, philosophy, and to my surprise, the mystical. 

From him I inherited my love for laughter, theories, system thinking, quantum physics, researching the world, unusual dreams, and dark chocolate.

Our ritual when we saw each other after a long separation (we lived on different continents) was to drink tea and talk all night long into the morning. Often times my mother will join us and for a whole night, life was perfect. 

My father insisted I get a PhD, and that I use my life to become whole in body, mind and soul. 

It has been 16 years since my father passed, and yet I feel his presence in my life, I have lucid dreams where we talk, visit, and yes, some of these dreams are quite mystical. Because. My father loved the mystical. 

We dedicate today to our fathers - and if yours is still alive in this world, talk to him, give him your time and lavish him with your love. And if not in this world, tell him you love him, he can hear you.

Yours as always, 


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