Biodiversity Equates to a Robust Biosphere
Dear Friends, ![]() Biodiversity equates to a robust biosphere, and a robust biosphere equals diversity. Life is creative and inventive. Left alone, life just keeps on expressing itself in amazing diverse ways—adapting to specific niche requirements within its communal ecosystem. The enemy to life is anything that diminishes species variability. We have been called the Baby Boom Generation and the Hippie Generation. We are also the Stewards of the Age of Toxins. Toxins by definition kill life, diminishing biodiversity. The US currently has more than 85,000 chemicals in commerce. There are approximately 2500 high production volume chemicals which are manufactured at a rate of more than one million pound annually with nearly 45% of these chemicals lacking adequate toxicological studies to evaluate their health effects on humans and wildlife. Furthermore, about 2000 new chemicals are introduced into commerce annually in the US. Here we are this week in beautiful Santa Barbara for Dohrea’s graduate school. As I took my morning beach run I could see off into the Pacific the closest of the Channel Islands, Santa Cruz, roughly eleven miles out to sea. The Channel Islands and their encircling waters are home to over 2,000 plants and animals, of which 145 are found nowhere else in the world. Like the Galapagos Islands of South America, isolation has allowed evolution to proceed independently on the islands. Marine life ranges from microscopic plankton to the blue whale. In fact, one-third (27 species) of the cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) found worldwide can be seen in the Channel Islands. In 1980 the Channel Islands’ National Marine Sanctuary was established. It encompasses approximately 1,470 square miles of Southern California water that surround its five northern island—Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel and Santa Barbara. The toxic stream of our polluting ways on land now reaches out to the remotest parts of our seas. There is no safe place anymore on earth because decadence rules. We have refused to turn away from our polluting ways—to look face to face at the death of so many species. The Channel Islands National Park has more endangered species that only exist within this park than any other unit of the national park Service. That’s the bad news, the good news is that California has some of the most gifted of our environmental warriors, powerful individuals and groups who have committed their lives to transforming the pathogenic unconsciousness of the US population. Here, my good friends, is a powerful example: Beginning today September 13th through to the 15th is The National Heirloom Exposition. Here’s what they’re saying:
Look at this lineup of a few of the heavy hitters who will be giving keynote speeches over the 3-days.
In next week’s Forward Thinking I will focus our attention on what these luminaries had to say. Sincerely yours, Seann Bardell Clinical Note: This week we are highlighting our Chromium, Bio-organic with Beet. Patent technology plays a role in this wonderful product. The proprietary manufacturing has to do with the three ligands attached to the chromium ion. They are derived from the nucleotides of brewer yeast. These three joined molecules are nucleic acid sugars and the net weight of the resultant trivalent bond molecule is less that 800 daltons. It’s organic, water soluble and very effective is lowering blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin levels. Take one BID. The Last Quiz Answer: This amazingly important creature is one of our precious honey bees. Hope you took a moment last week to view Queen of the Sun. If not, here’s the link again. Also here are a few quotes: Colony collapse is the bill we are getting for all that we have done to bees. If we didn’t have bees to pollinate our crops we would be eating bread and oatmeal all the time. If bees are dying then birds will be dying, plants will be dying. And, humans will be dying. Our lives depend on the bees. In 1923 Rudolf Steiner, Father of BioDynamic Farming, predicted that in 80 to 100 years honey bees would collapse. Michael Pollen, Food Inc., sites large industrial monocultural farming methods as a major culprit in the destruction of our food system. Diversity is farming will save our planet.