Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

What Makes Food Therapeutic

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

What makes food therapeutic?

This is such an important question for us to focus on for a correct answer. For this knowledge can, if fully acted upon, solve many of our world most pressing problem— including that of our globe’s deteriorating health.

What’s your answer to this question, and how would it solve the worlds most urgent problems?  Here’s mine:

It is important to start with the food cycle.Every living thing is food for some other living thing.  Green plants and green members of the microbial world are ground zero for the food chain as they take inorganic minerals and the sun’s energy, and through photosynthesis, convert these minerals into organic molecule—carbon based molecules, the molecules of life.  Then, the cycle flows from green plants to herbivores to carnivores to detritivores and back to the earth—dust to life to dust.

Our genes are very old.  The blueprint for humans dates back at least 1.6 million years.  That is deep time, paleolithic time.  Our early diet was obtained through hunting and gathering, wildcrafted mostly plant based.  Horticulture came into the picture about 8000 to 10,000 years ago where grain crops (millet, wheat, oats) and seed crops (quinoa, chia, amaranth, buckwheat) came into the picture.  All of it organic.

Fast forward to about 300 years ago and the industrial revolution. We’ve exponentially increased our ability take all we want out of nature and to throw back into it, thoughtlessly, all that we don’t want.  A perfect formula for destroying habitats and ecosystems, our very communities.  As our man-made world of pollution and toxins mount as a rising tide around us, the question must be asked:  Have we reached the tipping point, the point of no return, where the forces of de-evolution take over and return us once more to a primeval world of slime, mold, bacteria and jellyfish?  CO2 levels are rapidly rising in the atmosphere, have now reached a level of 350ppm.  This is a very dangerous harbinger to our vary survival.

How can food help?

So to answer the question, how can food help, I’ll use primarily Phyto Power as my evidence for how can food help.  Additionally, I will incorporate some thoughts regarding the Ultra Minerals and the Energy Sustain towards this issue.

The diseases that are killing us today in the modern world are the chronic degenerative diseases—cancer, CVD, diabetes, obesity, the diseases of aging (now affecting younger and younger ages of our population).  Taking heart disease alone, the CVD epidemic now threatens 1 in 2 Americans and is predicted to be the number one global disease burden by 2020.  Our present cardiology budget exceeds 1/4 of a trillion dollars per year.

The fact is cornoary artery disease is rare in cultures that eat plant-based diets. Take The Okinawa Diet (June 23rd Forward Thinking), an organic, grain and vegetables based diet, with some fish. We need more vegetables and fruits in our diets, organic of course. But we know that! If everyone knew that, and we changed the typical farming into organic farming, how will that effect the earth? Bringing products that are primarily a part of the diet that keeps us healthy is our mission. The Ultra Minerals have many minerals that used to to be found naturally in the soil and therefore plants. We need minerals in our diets and hardly get it in our foods. Energy Sustain has four organic seeds (amaranth, chia, buckwheat and quinoa) and one grain (millet) to add energy and fiber from the foods that give life—seeds!  We have forgotten how to eat seeds.  The Energy Sustain will add fiber, B vitamins, minerals, proteins, and omega oils.  Phyto Power brings in the power of phyto chemicals, specifically anthocyanadins via the blue berries, the catechins via the rosehips and the luteolins via the dandelions.  All of these are very powerful families of flavonoids.  Because of the nature of the environment where these are grown (Alaska) the phytochemical amounts within these plant are off the chart and if I might use the colloquialism, just what the doctor ordered.  These flavonoids reduce inflammation, protect us from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, the diseases of aging.

Food is important. NYC has an amazing system for feeding its many citizens. Each day the loacal farmers bring in the food to the island. I am amazed at how many vegetables New Yorkers eat every day. Most restaurants have beautiful salads and many side vegetable dishes. Remember, the food pyramid has changed format. It is now a plate and half of the foods on that plate are vegetables and fruits. Is our diet comprised of 50% organic vegetables and fruits? Do we have in our diets the power of foods?

Until next week!

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

Phyto Power: the ingredients and the benefits

phyto_sm 2

The ingredients: As you can see from the label there are three species of rose hips, four species of dandelions and 4 species of blueberry.  More specifically regarding the rose hips they are Rosa acicularis, Rosa nutkana and Rosa woodsii.  This includes the fruit pulp and the seeds.  With the dandelion the species are Taraxacum offincinale, Taraxacum ceratophorum, Taraxacum lyratum and Taraxacum phymatocarpum.  This includes 90% aerial parts, 10% roots and the flower.  And, with the blueberry Vaccinium ovalifolium, Vaccinium alaskensis, Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum and Vaccinium uliginosum mycrophyllum.  This includes > 95% fruit w/w and < 5% leaves and stems w/w.

The benefits: Phyto Power is loaded with phytochemicals.  From the bioflavonoids alone there is so much to say.  In the preceeding six newsletters, since January 11th’s, we have focused on the features and benefits of the flavonoids.  Robust consumption of the flavonoids reduces the risks of CVD, arthritis, diabetes and cancer.  They are antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.  They work epigenetically.  They protect cognitive functioning, protecting us against dementia and Alzheimeres.  They protect against the diseases of aging.  Cultures that consume robust amounts of flavonoids and phytochemicals in the diet are cultures with robust longevity for its citizens as witnessed in the Blue Zones.  Next week we will dig deeper into the features and benefits of Phyto Power.

The Last Quiz Answer:

This primate is one of the smallest. It’s about the size of a squirrel.It’s called a bush baby, probably because its cry sounds like that of a baby.  They are nocturnal in their habits.  Can you imagine the sounds of the African night, with bush babies in the trees and lions and hyenas on the ground.  Bush babies are great jumpers, twenty feet is nothing for them to cover.  They are usually found in small groups with the mother and babies.

Where’s the region in our world, that has been torn by war since 1996, and has lost the lives of 6 million of its citizens—6 million?  The answer is the Congo—the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Lyn Lusi is the co-founder and director of Heal Africa in the Democractic Republic of the Congo.  An organization dedicated to transforming individuals and communities shattered by atrocities and gender violence from war.  Lusi and her team have trained hundreds of thousands in HIV prevention and awareness raising activities. Providing primary care and post-rape counseling to nearly 40,000 women.  Training 315 sexual violence counsellors.  Click above to see her and her teams angelic work.

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