Travel Protocol: Stay Healthy, Energetic, and Yes, Happy
I will be traveling in the next few days, and as usual, packing the supplements that will keep me healthy, maintain a steady energy level, and even boost my happy cells, is of the utmost importance.
I know that your first question to me is how do I boost my happy cells? And a good question it is - so I will start there.
Traveling, even for a relaxing holiday, can be stressful. As we know, stress reduces our ability to fight viral or bacterial infections, lowers our energy level, and to utilize a friend's description - brings on a cranky mood.
I think of polyphenols as the happy molecules that can do it all - they work on inflammation, oxidation, fight infections, protect against environmental toxins, and elevate our mood.
In fact: Polyphenols are exuberantly described in research as the mood elevating, must have substances. And they are natural!
We rarely see such happiness in researchers but one cannot help herself but smile - polyphenols are truly the molecules that our cells need and desire. Think how good you feel around plants of all kinds, they breathe and exhale goodness into the air. All we need to do is tune in to their ability to make us happy.
I remember Seann being exuberant when he researched polyphenols 20 years ago.
Recall that we are comprised of trillions of organisms, and more of them than our own body cells, so as a Supra-Organism, each cell of every organism needs constituents that feed, nourish, and create homeostasis in the body. This is happiness that starts deeply in our cells. Check the research below!
The protocol is simple and elegant. We discussed
High ORAC is another supplement that we need to rely on for travel, a powerhouse collection of polyphenols, it has 40,000 IU of total ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity) - the highest on the market, and perfect against the intense oxidation we endure with air and car travel. It is used to calm our GI tract and in the process it calms our body. It is my happy place.
Energy is true to its name - it activates the production of ATP our energy molecule that every cell needs. I take it in the morning before exercise, and I love the feeling of energy that is not jarring to the body (i.e., in comparison with coffee), but consistent and stable. It is the reason so many athletes love this supplement.
And lastly, when I arrive at my destination, I always take No 7 Systemic Booster in the evenings. This is a must have for travel as it has everything - polyphenols, nutraceuticals (B12, the right folate, chromium, fructo borate, and vitamin D), probiotics (ten organisms) with their supernatant (boosting immune function and fighting infection), and prebiotics.
If you have a limited space, take the No 7 or High ORAC and Garlic.
Yours as always,
- García-García, J., Gracián, C., Baños, A., Guillamón, E., Gálvez, J., Rodriguez-Nogales, A., & Fonollá, J. (2023). Beneficial Effects of Daily Consumption of Garlic and Onion Extract Concentrate on Infectious Respiratory Diseases in Elderly Resident Volunteers. Nutrients, 15(10), 2308. Article
- BAYRAKTAR, M. K., & ACAR, M. N. (2023). The Health Effects of Polyphenols and Mental Health. BIDGE Publications.
- Kontogianni, M. D., Vijayakumar, A., Rooney, C., Noad, R. L., Appleton, K. M., McCarthy, D., ... & Woodside, J. V. (2020). A high polyphenol diet improves psychological well-being: The polyphenol intervention trial (pphit). Nutrients, 12(8), 2445. Article
- Malik, A., Raghav, N., & Mor, N. (2024). Garlic (Allium sativum L.): A mini review on its multiple pharmacological benefits for human health. Chemistry & Biology Interface, 14(3). Abstract
- Shibata, M., Ojima, T., & Aida, J. (2024). The Relationship between Green Tea Consumption and Happiness.
- Short, E. (2024). Healthy Gut, Happy You. Book Guild Publishing
- Rouf, R., Uddin, S. J., Sarker, D. K., Islam, M. T., Ali, E. S., Shilpi, J. A., ... & Sarker, S. D. (2020). Antiviral potential of garlic (Allium sativum) and its organosulfur compounds: A systematic update of pre-clinical and clinical data. Trends in food science & technology, 104, 219-234.
We have developed our products based on scientific research and/or the practical experience of many healthcare practitioners. There is a growing body of literature on food based nutrition and supplements and their application in support of our health. Please use our products under the advisement of your doctor.
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