Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

The Good News

Dear Friends,

We wish you a happy holiday and a great new year.

As you know, I have been teaching the concept of de-evolution in the last couple of years and recently have sent several emails articulating the phenomena. In the new year, I will continue this theme. The full lecture, De-Evolution and the Ecology of the Microbiome, is a topic I have researched and worked with wonderful scientists over the last four years to develop. My next segment in the email sequence will be on the dysbiosis of our oceans, which then will lead us into the human microbiome.

Let’s engage in an ongoing conversation around the many issues pertinent to the global ecosystem and its systemic relevance to our health. I am re-posting our invitation to all of you, taken from our BioImmersion publishing blog home page. Don’t worry about the articles being perfect!

We invite you to contribute articles & research, thoughts & poems, analysis & solutions; to publish and converse with old and new friends, fellow world citizens, dedicated to bring peace into the chaos of the globe we call home. We have seeded the blog with some articles and thoughts to get the conversation going. The categories on the right will expand as our entries and foci evolve. Lets start writing and publishing!

A book that I recently read, Good News For A Change- How Everyday People Are Helping The Planet (2002) by David Suzuki and Holly Dressel, is spot on and inspiring. It’s a perfect read for this time in the life of our world. A book like this is truly the light at the end of the tunnel. Get it, you will be glad.

Many blessings to you all!

Seann Bardell

P.S. Do you know the name of this incredible creature? Obviously it is a creature from our oceans. Hint: there are two of these animals within the coral.

P.P.S. When you get our emails be sure to click on the local picture link, plus open up the HTML version.
The Last Quiz Answer: Our round-eared friend is a Wild Dog of Africa, the Continents most effective predator. Hunting together in packs of up to one hundred, they are known for their intelligence, persistence, stamina and family loyalty.

Judy Wicks, owner of The White Dog Café, jokes, “I use food to lure innocent customers into social activism.” Check out her business model:

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