Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Meet the Human Microbiome Project

Dear Friends,

The scientific method develops a hypothesis and then backs it up with objective, repeatable evidence. We will be looking at some of the hypotheses posited by the Human Microbiome Project and illustrate in a practical manner how we incorporate the research into the Therapeutic Foods synbiotic formulas.

One key concept is embodied by the word, redundancy. The hypothesis that has been expressed is that the multiple functions the microbiome performs for its human host, (such as helping to digest foods, producing vitamins, bacterocins, and biosurfactants, positively changing the underlying immune system, helping to create tolerance, producing lactic acid and neutralizing certain toxins), is accomplished by a wide variety of different species of lactic acid bacteria that have similar suites of genes; producing the same proteins to get the job done. Functional redundancy makes sense from an evolutionary point of view for the human host’s survival, for if a phage attack kills one species of the host’s beneficial flora – another species can stand in, producing the necessary enzymes. At BioImmersion, in our own work of formulating synbiotic formulas, we have incorporated the concept of redundancy.

Cancer is now the number one killer in American; and, gastro-intestinal, breast and prostate cancers are right on top of that list. In a lifetime the average American consumes 60 tons of food, and our food is increasingly filled with toxins and pathogens as it comes from all corners of the world. Heterocyclic amines are unequivocally GI tract mutagens and carcinogens; in fact, they have also been implemented in breast and prostate cancers as well. Where do they come from? How do we get them in our gut?

When we fry, broil, and barbeque red meat, the amines in the meat are converted into heterocyclic amines. So, one way to prevent this occurring, of course, would be to stop eating red meat cooked under these conditions. Another way, however, is to make sure that you have protective friends in your GI tract that can neutralize these compounds when they are created. In developing our Original Synbiotic Formula this was one of the major criteria selected for. Can the bugs we select neutralize heterocyclic amines?

The five strains (subspecies) we chose for the Original Synbiotic Formula were selected to protect, counteract and neutralize dietary toxins, mutagens, carcinogens and infectious organisms. In particular, regarding the neutralizing of heterocyclic amine, all five organisms chosen have that ability. They are: Lactobacillus acidophilus (ATCC 4356), Bifidobacteria longum (ATCC 15707), Streptococcus thermophilus (ATCC 19258), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (ATCC 7469) and Lactobacillus plantarum (ATCC 8014). For a more thorough discussion of this product and these organisms go to:
Original Synbiotic Formula, Monograph

Another toxin in our diet, of increasing worldwide concern, that is adding to the de-evolutionary process, is mold mycotoxins, specifically the toxins aflatoxin and orchratoxin, which are extremely neurotoxic. They are not only neuro-toxic but are carcinogenic, mutagenic and immuno-suppressive agents. The Original strains were selected to meet this challenge: L. rhamnosus, which binds AFB1 in vivo, and reduces bio-absorption of the toxin from the gut; L. acidophilus and B. longum – neutralize AFB1 and AFM1 by binding mechanisms; and S. thermophilus – reduces content of ochratoxin A.

The Therapeutic Foods line was created as a response to the de-evolutionary process. It combines the power of 21st Century science along side a holistic/organic view of food. We believe technology paired with the systemic view of healthy life patterns can pull us out of the de-evolution predicament. Each formula is created with this in mind; each formula corrects diseased patterns and pathways, and helps our bodies to manifest full genomic potential.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note: Therapeutic Foods, a New Platform in the Practice of Nutritional Medicine. We have created this half-hour webinar to assist health practitioner in successfully integrating these important formulas into their practices. Of the 15 different products in the Therapeutic Foods Line, 8 have probiotic organisms in them in differing combinations with differing organisms. Bringing in the most current thinking from the microbiome research we will help you understand and decide which formula/organism and therapeutic foods to use with a given patient.

The scheduled times for the webinars: there are two different times on each selected day to more easily accommodate our east coast and west coach doctors.

Webinar Schedule:

April 9th at 9:30am
(PST) and again at 12:30pm (PST)

April 10th at 9:30am
(PST) and 12:30pm (PST).

April 16th at 9:30am
(PST) and 12:30pm (PST).

April 17th at 9:30am
(PST) and 12:30pm (PST).

Each seminar is one-half hour, and to facilitate an easement in your note taking I have created the following one page document that I think you will find helpful. Click Here to Download our Synbiotic Formulas PDF

If you would like to join in with us on one of the webinars, simple email us at, letting us know which one and we will send you the link and phone number in order to join in.


The Last Quiz Answer: This is an impala with its symbiotic oxpeckers cleaning ticks off its body. Oxpeckers spend 30-35% of their foraging time upon impala hosts. The ears are the preferred region apparently due to high tick infestation of their ears.

Learn more about the synbiotic relationship between Impalas and Oxpeckers:

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