Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Leverage Point for World Transformation: Organic Foods

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

Our ultimate goal as activists is for the whole world, every last person, to be fed with local organic food. I assume most of you would subscribe to such a goal. Some will ask you: Why organic food?

Last friday I opened up a new account for BioImmersion with a local community bank. As I was explaining our business model to our new team of bankers, I was asked the question, “Why is the focus on organic food so important for you?” It is a very good question.

My first thought is the known fact (to us in the holistic medical industry) that organic food is simply better food for our bodies, higher in nutrient values, less poisons, better for our health—a focus on the therapeutic value of food. My second wave of thoughts, which I shared with them (and surpised myself, as it is technical), had to do with the soil—it builds the soil, makes it healthy, increases the organic matter (the humus) in the soil, gives the soil more body, less vulnerable to erosion, provides a healthy environment for worms, microorganism and insects, all partners in making for healthy plants. Without healthy soil, we can’t grow healthy plants and without healthy plants we can’t grow healthy humans. Additionally, healthy soil pulls CO2 out of the atmosphere, reducing global warming. The fact of the matter is that if we only use organic farming methods around the world, we would not have a greenhouse gas crisis, the food chain would be properly supplied, and a billion people would not be starving as they are today. The chronic diseases pandemic that plagues the worlds today would be a thing of the past.

The foregoing stimulated quite a discussion, one of our new bankers said that he was a marathon runner. The net result is that they are very excited to have our business and work with us and be a part of the vision for a healthier planet.

It is well established that when cultures destroy their soil through faulty agricultural practices, the offending human cultures whither away. Good soil is foundational and a priori to our existence. Our industrial agricultural practices of today are destroying top soil worldwide at alarming rates. We need to gather ourselves to work with nature, not against her—our survival depends on it.

Fortunately, the forces for working with nature, for learning from nature are mounting and it is time for all of us to join in and become activists for this change. Here’s are three heavy weights with links to their website and more:

  • La Via Campesina is the international movement which brings together millions of peasants, small and medium size farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous people, migrants and agricultural workers from around the world. It defends small-scale sustainble agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity. It strongly apposes corporate driven agriculture and transnational companies that are destroying people and nature.
  • Biomimicry 3.8 is the global leader in biomimicry innovation consulting, professional training, and educational program and curricula development. Our mission is to train, equip and connect engineers, educators, architects, designers, business leaders and other innovators to sustainability that emulates natures 3.8 billion years of brilliant designs and strategies.
  • Permaculture is an ecological design system for sustainability in all aspects of our lives. Permaculture teaches us how to build natural homes, grow our own food, restore diminished landscapes and ecosystems, catch rainwater, build communities, take care of waste and much more. The philosophy within permaculture is one of working with rather than against nature, and of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than premature and thoughtless action. Permaculture design techniques encourage land use which integrates principles of ecology and applies lessons from nature. It teaches us to create settings and construct ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and the resilience of natural ecosystems. In the spirit of sustainability, it also teaches us to allow natural and designed ecosystems to demonstrate their own evolutions.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

What is the Therpapeutic Foods Paradigm?

Our bodies are so bombarded with pollution, pathogens and stress that they desperately need to be fed real food, sustaining food, energizing food, organic food with high actives.

Even if we eat seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day, it’s good but it is not enough, we need powerful organic food, food that doesn’t add more pollutants to our body burden, but food that impacts our bodies therapeutically and makes them strong.

Here is the link to read further about the Therapeutic Foods paradigm.

Also, read about the World Today, the reason we need to fight for a clean environment.
The Last Quiz Answer:

The elephant shrew (Elephantulus rufescens) is a lightning-quick mouse-like creature that makes its home in the shrublands of Kenya. Four inches is length from snout to rump, these busy little creature are always hungry, and running through their maze of interlinking trails in their hunting grounds. They are monogamous, often time choosing for their home the abandoned burrows of rodents. Their foods are worms, termites and other insects. They are the food of snakes, and lizards. In the video clip, a sengi runs for its life from a hungry lizard—with a successsful outcome for the sengi.

Permaculture is making its impact in Africa. Here are two links to permaculture education in South Africa and another in Tanzania..

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