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Coffee Fruit Therapeutics

Dear Friends,

Can you name this Beautiful Creature?

When you think of coffee, you are probably not thinking about fruits. But coffee starts with the bright red cherry like fruit (see the beautiful picture below). The seeds of the fruit are the coffee beans, which are roasted and then used to prepare the addicting coffee we love and cherish. The coffee plant has its origin in Ethiopia where it was discovered around 800 AD in the Kaffa region. In almost all languages, the name coffee refers to this region, but funny enough in Ethiopia the name is quite different as the Ethiopians call it Buna.

There are about 10 species of coffee. The 3 most commonly used are Coffea Arabica, Coffea canephora and Coffea liberica. Originating in Ethiopia and north of Kenya, the plant is now grown in the tropical band around the world—north of the Tropic of Capricorn, south of the Tropic of Cancer. Coffee requires a cooler tropical climate. In the tropics, it is usually grown at altitudes between 1300 and 1500 meters but sometimes higher.

The coffee fruit is round to oblong and ripens to a bright red. Each berry contains two seeds, which are what we call the coffee beans. The ripe fruit’s flesh (skin and pulp)is removed (usually by machine)and separated from the seeds (coffee beans), which are then fermented to remove the slimy layer still covering the beans. Then the beans are washed to remove fermentation residue and dried. The green seeds are then roasted before they are used to brew coffee. But what of the bright red pulpy fruit? What happens to it?

That is the question of the hour—the fruit contains extremely high levels of polyphenolic and essential sugar power. Our new product Coffea arabica offers exciting newly researched protective and healing benefits of the pure coffee fruit and coffee fruit extract.We always loved our cups of coffee, now we will learn to love the coffee fruit.

We will divide our discussion up into two parts: the polyphenols and the essential sugars. We will look at coffee fruit’s unique and powerful polyphenols this week and next, to be followed by a discussion on the benefits of the coffee fruit’s important and life sustaining essential sugars.

The French Paradox opens the door into the discussion of maintaining high levels of polyphenols in our diet. What’s the French Paradox? It refers to the fact that although the French consume three times as much saturated fat as Americans, one third less French people die from heart attacks and obesity than American people. The French eat a high fat diet and don’t get heart disease. In France, each French man, woman and child consumes 40 pounds a year of many different kids of cheese.

So what stops the clogging of the arteries? There are several proposed factors. Some medical researchers maintain that cheese is not a problem but drinking cow’s milk is. Americans drink lots of milk and the French don’t. It has to do with the difference in the relationship of calcium between milk and cheese. In cheese, because of fermentation caused by our good friends, the lactic acid bacteria, the calcium neutralizes the fat by combining with it, and causing it to be excreted from the body rather than being absorbed. According to certain researchers, milk promotes heart disease because the calcium will not combine with the fat and the fat goes into the blood stream.

The other major reason for the French Paradox is the French daily consumption of red wine, which is packed with the polyphenol subgroup proanthocyanidins (OPCs). Let’s review the scientific biomarkers associated with the French Paradox. These are:

  • A reduction of oxidized LDL (oxLDL)
  • An increase of PON-1
  • A reduction of isoprostanes
  • A reduction of blood free radical levels
  • A reduction of nElastase gene expression

In a soon to-be-published double blinded study, 100mg BID of coffee fruit extract, standardized to 40% polyphenols, achieved the same health benefits goals as shown in the movement (increase and decrease) of the markers that is characteristic of the French Paradox.

The new BioImmersion Coffea arabica contains 60 vegetarian capsules filled with 650mg of whole coffee fruit (minus the bean, and therefore the caffeine hit) and 100mg of the fruit extract (as used in the study). The polyphenol level is standardized at 40%, the ORAC is 1125 per gram, the caffeine level is less than 1%.

Sincerely yours,

Seann Bardell

Clinical Note:

This week we are highlighting the Cruciferous Sprout Complex. The Cruciferous Sprout Complex stimulates the body’s production of the powerful P2P enzymes. They are major enzyme players in the body’s Antioxidant Defense System. There are 24 of these Phase 2 Proteins. They are critically important to every cell’s defense against free radicals, toxins elimination, and cancer protection.

The Last Quiz Answer:
This marvelous creature comes from the tropical land of coffee—Central and South America. It’s a Giant Anteater. There are four different species of anteaters, some as small as a squirrel, and some like this one that can reach a length of seven feet and a weight of 140 pounds. Anteaters are generally solitary animals. Females have a single offspring once a year, which can sometimes be seen riding on its mother’s back.

They consume up to 30,000 ants and termites a day and are quite the horticulturalists. Rather than totally devour the whole termite or ant nest, they harvest only a portion of the insects at a particular site, so that they can return at a later point in time when the insect population has repopulated. Anteaters are not aggressive but they can be fierce. A cornered anteater will rear up on its hind legs, using its tail for balance, and lash out with dangerous claws that can be 4 inches long. They can fight off even a puma or jaguar. Don’t worry they won’t bite you—they have no teeth.

Here’s a little bonding with an anteater.

A new study by Harvard School of Public Health researchers finds a strong association between the consumption of red meat- particularly when the meat is processed- and an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

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