Together, let’s put an end to deteriorating health

Seann & Dohrea Bardell Bio


"World - Theories offer differing core viewpoints, various methods for data collection, and unifying narratives that explain our world. Our views and experiences depend upon the theories we choose."

Dohrea Bardell, PhD, is a research Fellow at the Institute for Social Innovation (ISI). Dr. Bardell has taken the position of owner and president of BioImmersion Inc.

Dr. Bardell present Research at ISI is in her field of expertise: International Relations and Peace. The title of the research is Mature Leadership for World Peace: 

This project is based on the principle that peace is integrated into humanity’s DNA as the ultimate achievement of humankind, and pursues the question of how to change collective consciousness to create peace.

Born on a Kibbutz (a socialistic community) in Israel, Dohrea was raised with egalitarian principles that formed the foundation from which she frames her life and work. As part of her PhD in Human Development and International Relations at Fielding Graduate University, Dr. Bardell developed a normative theoretical model that aims to position peace as an international law. Her Kantian peace model embodies a reasoned and compassionate approach to peace and justice issues in international relations. One of Dr. Bardell's fun projects is research into the influence of World-Theories on the way we organize and explain the biological and social sciences.

For over 30 years Dr. Bardell has participated and supported Seann's passion in the Integrative health and Lifestyle Medicine Field, formulating some of the most innovative and powerful range of supplements, the Therapeutic Foods. At ISI, Dr. Bardell has helped Dr. Judy Stevens-Long with research to illuminate issues on health and death:  LivingWell-DyingWell (2018).



"Some say ‘food as medicine’ is an old idea. I say ‘food as medicine’ encompasses how we farm, how we eat, how we heal."

Seann has passed on 1.09.2022 fully conscious and aware. His bright light guides Dohrea and BioImmersion. Read Dohrea's Article.

Seann Bardell

As a public health officer in the Peace Corps, Seann first became interested in environmental issues that affect health while serving on the remote Micronesian island of Yap. There, he saw what a pristine environment, free of toxins and chemicals, and fresh, diverse foods could do to sustain the good health of an entire population. With degrees in both zoology and education from the University of Washington, Seann then went on to teach biological sciences in Seattle and New York, ultimately receiving a lifetime teaching award.

A lifelong activist and educator, Seann traveled all over the world to research diverse health and spiritual traditions, while teaching adults natural health and lifestyle practices throughout the United States and internationally. As the CEO of BioImmersion Inc., Seann lectured at George Washington University, Bastyr University, the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, and Hawthorn University.

The Therapeutic Foods Supplements is a plant-based range created with the collaborative friendships of many scientists, doctors, manufacturers, and farmers. To help BioImmersion accomplish its mission, Seann and Dohrea asked their friends to join them, forming a board of renowned physicians, nutritional practitioners, farmers, and scientists.

Eco-farming has always been Seann’s passion since he helped his beloved grandmother Booth farm her five-acre organic gardens. At the Maui Zen Center, Seann worked under the tutelage of Roshi Robert Aitken, as an organic farmer, meditating and growing power-filled organic foods for the monks.

His experience of Biodynamic farming took place in Covelo, California, working alongside Alan Chadwick, who brought the concept of Biodynamic farming to the US. Roshi, Chadwick, and grandmother Booth, gave Seann the vision for a healthy world.

Seann wrote the regular newsletter Forward Thinking since 2008. It went out to thousands of physicians and those with an interest in health, ecology, and zoology. The newsletter is now written by Dr. Dohrea Bardell, also published through BioImmersion’s blog, which you can read here.


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